About Starwalker Dream Circle

Sandy Corcoran

My intent with this blog is to offer a monthly post on different cultural beliefs and practices of how dreams have been used or perceived through time. My secondary aim is to incorporate into this monthly post, a place where you the reader, can anonymously share your dreams, and I will randomly chose one per month to decode your symbology. You can share your dreams via e-mail, with the title ‘My Dream.’ I will randomly choose one dream per month, to decode. Please understand I receive hundreds of emails a week, and will only be choosing one per month via lottery style.

Why Are Dreams Important?

The dreamtime is a vast and wide open field of the known often speaking to us through the unknown. In Native and other indigenous cultures, the terrain and expression of the dreamtime is an unseen world of spiritual forces, the ancestors, symbols, and guides that are intermediaries to assist us to bring the unconscious to our conscious awareness, and the creative to fulfillment.

I have been very blessed in my life to have been trained in a number of different cultures to learn how to tap dream sequences, to decode and unveil the meaning behind what often seems confusing or disconnected. This blog will center on ways to remember your dreams; different cultural and psychological history/herstory concerning the dreamtime; and exercises to help you interpret your dreams.

One of my longest mentors, the late Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch of the Seneca People, counseled that dreams were an important source of spiritual and practical guidance. That the ancestors believed Great Mystery offered the gift of the dreamtime to every creation, as a gift of peace.  Our dreams help to inform, heal, disentangle us from our daily concerns, and are an important link between our inner and outer worlds. That everything, and everyone dreamed, because they were part of the larger ‘Dream’. She felt we had lost sight of the power of the dream in our fast paced world run by alarm clocks and tight schedules.

Dream work has prompted entire schools of psychology and counseling that surmise, agree or disagree on the meaning of dreams. Ultimately the dream is best decoded by the dreamer, but often one has no beginning point, desire to reflect, or even a memory of their dream sequences. And yet dreams are such a source of personal empowerment. Hopefully this blog will offer ways to enter your dream, personalize your dreams imagery, decode its symbology, and bring light to what your soul is trying to divulge to your awake personality.

I have used dream decoding in my shamanic and counseling practice to guide others to recognize the voice of the Self within themselves.  In this way, dreams, even our nightmares, become the personal ‘medicine’ for choice and change, and have the potential to bring both personal and transpersonal awareness.







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