A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Hello Dreamers,
I will be decoding a number of dreams during the month of January, as I will be away teaching next month and will not have time to add to the blog. The other dream (which is a two for one) will be posted by end month.
The dream I will decode today has to do with eclipses. We just had one last weekend and we will be having a lunar eclipse at zero degrees of Leo on Monday, January 21st. This is noted as a blood moon.  It’s called a blood moon when the moon is totally eclipsed and takes on a reddish hue from the refraction of light in the earth’s atmosphere. 
As many of you who are astrologers know, this lunar eclipse will have the potential to cause some tension because of the square it makes to Uranus (the planet that has no qualms about spontaneously pulling the rug out from under you), and Mars in retrograde, (which has a speedy determination to do things its way). That said this is a time to wait, watch, and listen as a stance of preparation before concretizing those new plans; impulsive actions and reactions will not go over well. This dream suggests the same to the dreamer who offered it.
I love this astrologer and find her info well worth a listen:                                                         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml9PX0Q1dNA
And this astrologer’s blog is always fascinating: https://www.instagram.com/neongeometryastrology/

The Dream:                                                                                                                                             In the dream, I am on the beach viewing multiple Lunar Eclipses all at once. One moon is large, one smaller (or further away). They seem to be eclipsing at the same time. There was another one that could only be viewed from certain angles but was just the corona of the moon.
It was unclear whether two of the Moons were real or refractions of the large Moon. Per usual; I was trying to photograph all of them, and per usual, my pictures weren’t turning out. (I try to “preserve” stuff a lot in my dreams, either taking photographs or putting things where I can “find” them later).                                                                                                I remember though that when the sun rose (which was weird because I guess that meant there were more than 3 suns eclipsing infront of the moons….all the Moons phased out like stars and that part of the dream felt over.                                                                               I drove up the coast and some people were on the side of the road also trying to take pictures. I was in my same car, a blue Corolla. The beach was calm, scenic. The Moons were red, as they usually are while eclipsing.
This was part of a larger dream montage but it was one of the more vivid parts. Later on in the dream a bunch of coworkers turned up. But by then I was in London trying to catch a train in the underground. 

In the dream, I am on the beach viewing multiple Lunar Eclipses all at once. One moon is large, one smaller (or further away). They seem to be eclipsing at the same time. There was another one that could only be viewed from certain angles but was just the corona of the moon.

You are on the beach. Beaches and oceans signify a merging between the unconscious and the conscious. The moon suggests changes are afoot, because the moon moves in phases. In most cultures the moon is associated with intuition, moods, emotions, the feminine, and bringing to light certain aspects of ones self. Thus right off the bat between the beach symbology and the moon symbology your dreamscape has doubled a piece of information that you are to pay attention to.  New awareness from the unconscious into conscious state to be worked with is happening within you at this time, which may create changes in certain aspects of your life.

Eclipse dreams signify that things are changing but possibly ‘hidden’ from ones awareness. Possibly everything is not clear right now because the information you need hasn’t manifested in full light yet. Because the Moon deals with emotions and intuitions, it may imply that you are either ignoring an intuitive hit that you have had but might not wish to acknowledge, or perhaps you could be burying some deeper emotions that you need to express or explore.

Because one of the Moons is a ‘big one’, it suggests that there is an important issue that is up for you right now. This issue can’t be eclipsed or tucked away. You need to clearly look at what needs to change to bring more emotional security into your world. Where the other one is ‘smaller or further away’, it suggests that you have time to uncover what it is you need to do about a different situation. You may feel overwhelmed right now because you think you need to deal with all of these things at the same time. The caution is to prioritize. The distance from the ‘moon’ signifies how much you are in touch with having the full information you need to make a good decision.

The third one could only be viewed from certain angles, implying you need more perspective on whatever that situation is. You can only see the corona, which indicates you should not ignore your intuition right now. Trust your gut and do not let your feminine side be overshadowed.

It was unclear whether two of the Moons were real or refractions of the large Moon. Per usual; I was trying to photograph all of them, and per usual, my pictures weren’t turning out. (I try to “preserve” stuff a lot in my dreams, either taking photographs or putting things where I can “find” them later).

Again there may be confusion on your part as to whether this is one connected issue, or reflections of similar thoughts/feelings that are generating similar emotions. Again you may be inadvertently combining situations that need to be separated to fully understand which directions you should take. 

To be taking a picture in the dream suggests you need to focus more on what it is you want. To put “them where I can find them later” suggests you are bringing them into your waking state to work on gaining clarity, perspective, and direction.

I remember though that when the sun rose (which was weird because I guess that meant there were more than 3 suns eclipsing infront of the moons….all the Moons phased out like stars and that part of the dream felt over.

Again your dream self is cautioning you to separate the issues and deal with them individually. When all the moons phase out like stars it is a sign of good luck that you will accomplish what it is you are working on. 

I drove up the coast and some people were on the side of the road also trying to take pictures. I was in my same car, a blue Corolla. The beach was calm, scenic. The Moons were red, as they usually are while eclipsing.

This is a further message from your dreamscape that you have a path you are on and should stay dedicated to it. On that path you will meet other people likewise trying to gain clarity and focus. You are in your car, which represents that you are in control of your own destiny.

The car is blue, (which on the Wisdom Wheels discussed many times throughout the blog listings as having been taught to me by Grandmother Twylah) signifies intuition, teaching, and making sure you are in service to yourself and not in servitude to someone else’s needs, desires or story. Likewise if we use word play with Corolla, it suggests listening to your ‘core’ essence when choosing how to move forward.

The beach is calm, indicating that your emotions when coming from your core, will be fulfilling and serene. And the red of the moon suggests (once again using the Wisdom Wheels), that you need to trust yourself and have faith in your process. Red also suggests that you know you are on the right path, when you feel both passion and renewal in your decisions. It is in the experience and not necessarily in the realms of logic that you will feel complete.

This was part of a larger dream montage but it was one of the more vivid parts. Later on in the dream a bunch of coworkers turned up. But by then I was in London trying to catch a train in the underground.

When a dream shifts, it may not be as profound as the previous parts, but it is still worthwhile information. To see co-workers in a dream can imply a few different things, that you as the dreamer would need to decide. It can suggest a level of competitiveness; it can suggest needing to work out something with a current co-worker to have more clarity; it might also suggest part of your inner pantheon of ‘dream players’ all have information to share with you.

You move off to London to catch an underground train. Ironically your dream ends as it started. The eclipses showed you that you need to find clarity around issues by bringing them to light or into full conscious play, and the underground train suggests that you should not bury emotions that need expression as you gain clarity.

Where London is a major city it suggests that you need more socialization instead of  possibly isolating your self (in an underground train), trying to figure everything out on your own. Although finding your answers will take mediation and personal decision making, we cannot establish balance in our world if life is all work and contemplation. The train signifies rushing to have all the answers in life met now. However, this last remembered part of the dream reminds you to stop along the way to digest what you are exploring to see if it fits for you, and to go out and have fun. Fun within life is as important in your decision making as personal reflection.

Thank you dreamer for sharing.