llama Memories

What if dreams and your waking state are both reality, merely from an alternative observation point, or perhaps from a different time line? In the waking state, your focus moves from your outer world as you interpret what is happening in your daily actions, through your inner world’s understanding and comparisons, adding to what you know, or perhaps how you wish to react.  The dreamstate on the other hand, contains messages from your inner world, and once awake, need to be processed through your outer world, your conscious state, to get the most benefit from what your Soul is trying to share with you. 

Our dream worlds are actually a higher level of our existence and value, and yet we often treat them as a distraction at best, or worse as something to be ignored and forgotten. In so doing we miss a huge part of who we are, and the information we hold within ourselves to move forward with less stress. 

When our subconscious and higher conscious aspects want us to stop ignoring cues imparted in our dreamstate, then we are often triggered by something in our awake state to remind us of  something we have yet uncovered.

I wasn’t able to find an entry in my dream journal about the white llama, but I can recall a specific scene of a dream which was triggered by the white llama we encountered on the path at the end of the trail at Machu Picchu.

In the dream, I was hiking along steep and rocky trails much like the ones we were on in Peru. I remember I was with a small group and initially I was hesitant about our route. As we kept walking, we came upon a white llama and its companions. Now the others in the group were more hesitant. They did not want to go further out of fear, despite the herd appearing very docile and doing nothing but feeding upon the grass. I felt that it was important for us to go on and so I stepped forward towards the llama and she and I exchanged gazes. After a few moments, we compromise and share the road. It was as if we came to an understanding, acknowledging one another’s presence and honoring that presence. The llama walks past my right closer to the rocky ledge as I am given the safer passage on the left. Both our groups have now passed one another on the road and I look back at the llama and her group one last time with deep-felt gratitude beyond a simple “thank you.”

In the dream, I was hiking along steep and rocky trails much like the ones we were on in Peru. I remember I was with a small group and initially I was hesitant about our route.

This implies the dreamer feels that she has some tough or rocky challenges ahead, as she moves towards something in her life she wants for herself. She is with others, but she is hesitant about the route. The others could be parts of herself that wish to take a different path, or perhaps people in her life that she is currently friends with, that don’t understand the path she is taking.

As we kept walking, we came upon a white llama and its companions. Now the others in the group were more hesitant.

She keeps forging ahead, when they come upon a white llama and its herd. White animals in waking or sleeping life indicate a message from Spirit. Llamas often imply the strength that comes through awareness, or the endurance it takes to get to that awareness. This would parallel the steep and rocky path, also indicating there needs to be a level of awareness and caution to traverse the direction being taken, without mishap.

Llamas are burden carriers, so I would ask the dreamer in lieu of the group she hangs out with, or perhaps the job she has, if she carries alot of the burden and responsibility, of doing her own thing, without support. There needs to be balance both on the path and in regards to the endurance she uses with others to succeed in getting where she wants. Llamas have the ability to adapt to many situations, as does she. 

This could also signify that there are those in her crowd of friends that are taking advantage of her. Why: Llamas in the South American tradition are somewhat akin to the buffalo in Native American tradition; they represent Mother Earth, offer their love by giving everything of themselves so the people may live, and they care for the ‘herd’ at large. So there also needs to boundaries established, as evidenced by the color white.  In this regard, her biggest focus needs to be on herself.

Now the others in the group were more hesitant. They did not want to go further out of fear, despite the herd appearing very docile and doing nothing but feeding upon the grass. I felt that it was important for us to go on and so I stepped forward towards the llama and she and I exchanged gazes.

Others in her group are hesitant to face the challenges that she is willing to face. They are fearful of the changes and the challenges it will take to move forward, both of which are needed in life to grow.

The llamas here are docile and feeding on grass. What an animal is doing in a dream is very important to the context. Grazing docile animals signify that peace and calm can come, but it also could imply that we are not stretching toward our goal, which inevitably could bring greater peace and calm to our life. Green is about growing in the direction of change that you wish to experience.

In general an animal’s state in the dreamtime can tell us something about our  own attitude. I would ask the dreamer what she is being docile about in attaining something she wishes to change on her own path, either because it goes against the ‘herd’, or perhaps because it is easier to go along with the crowd at points. Here is also where she makes a decision to claim herself, as she decides it is important to move forward, despite their fear, or her own. 

She and the llama gaze at each other. Gazing implies they look into each others eyes. Eyes indicate the gateway to the soul. At a soul level the dreamer knows her instincts and desires are to keep moving, growing, exploring and changing, even if that risks not being fully understood.

After a few moments, we compromise and share the road. It was as if we came to an understanding, acknowledging one another’s presence and honoring that presence. The llama walks past my right closer to the rocky ledge as I am given the safer passage on the left.

There is part of the dreamer that knows she can find an inner compromise to follow her route forward in life. Not everything has to be hard and challenging to be sincere and validating. The llama walks on the right, closer to the rocky edge, giving her safe passage on the left. The part of her that wants peace and awareness is willing to logically (right-side) risk the edge; allowing the part of her that still needs to feel nurtured (the left-side), to trust her intuition on what is the best route for her to take to accomplish her goal/s. The compromise is a good one because it serves two purposes–forward movement, in a safe and calm direction.

Both our groups have now passed one another on the road and I look back at the llama and her group one last time with deep-felt gratitude beyond a simple “thank you.”

The dreamer has gotten her soul’s message; she can be full of gratitude that the path ahead may sometimes appear rocky or steep, but that there are ways for her to move toward her ultimate goal without it feeling like a burden. To feel comfortable that sometimes her desires will take her ‘away’ from her herd temporarily, but that there will also be other groups that she will find kinship with along the path.

Thank you dreamer