Closing Time


After 7 years of offering my blog post for Dream Decodings, it seems like an appropriate amount of time to stop. Many astrologers believe that there are shifts in the cosmos every 7 years that affect our lives, and I am finding it so for me in the now. My hope is that these dream blogs have provided some tools for you to begin to decode your own dreams moving forward.

I may/may not write an occasional dream blog as the future unfolds, but I need more time for self-care. I find with the time it takes to organization and complete 4 yearly international pilgrimages, along with my day to day, that it’s requiring me to pull back on the extra things I offer. Likewise, it has become harder and harder to illicit dreams, and you can’t have a dream blog if you have no dreams to decode. 🙂

I want to thank everyone over the years who has offered their dreams, and those who have expressed an interest in what I have shared for information or thought, in the blogs. Your feedback has been delightful and confirming for me. It has been great fun for me to bring many of the things that have been shared with me through my mentors or in my esoteric teachings into the posts.

I wish you all dreams to remember and clarity to live by….and who knows…I may even see you in the dreamtime. Till then!!!!