Revelations Aren’t Always Clear

  1. Did you literally scream and did your friend literally wake you? -answer: Yes, both times.
  2. What was it about the picture of your mother? -answer: She never would have used that image for her obituary.


Ok, here we go.
Last weekend I was in Western MA with two of my college pals in a cabin in the woods.  VERY remote.  WE have visited many times before and always have a wonderful time together. 
So, last Friday night, July 28, I went into the bedroom to change for bed.  The windows were open and drapes open. There are no neighbors for miles.  All of a sudden, I was frozen with fear to the point I could not even go to the window to close drapes. A feeling of overwhelming fear overtook me. I felt a very strong “presence” outside the window.  I quickly dressed, pulled myself together and went out to the common area and chatted for a bit, not mentioning the “episode”.  So, then we all go to sleep.

Then the dream happens:
I was in an unfamiliar place, an all-white contemporary house.  Someone was grabbing me from behind. I was screaming, trying to get free.  I then noticed the island of the kitchen in my own house, however still in the unfamiliar house.  On the island was my phone and it was ringing with the caller photo first a photo of my mother from 30 years ago which was quickly replaced with the terrible photo my sister-in-law put in her obituary.  As I reached for the phone while someone was still trying to abduct me as soon as was able to grab it, the phone went dead or I must have hit the button to hang up.  I was screaming in my sleep and my friend came in and woke me.

Later that evening, I had another dream which i cannot remember, however, I was again, screaming and felt in danger.  Again, my friend woke me.

One of the interesting things about this is for at least 30 years I had dreams in which I would be screaming, and no sound would ever come.


Ok, here we go.
Last weekend I was in Western MA with two of my college pals in a cabin in the woods.  VERY remote.  WE have visited many times before and always have a wonderful time together. 
So, last Friday night, July 28, I went into the bedroom to change for bed.  The windows were open and drapes open. There are no neighbors for miles.  All of a sudden, I was frozen with fear to the point I could not even go to the window to close drapes. A feeling of overwhelming fear overtook me. I felt a very strong “presence” outside the window.  I quickly dressed, pulled myself together and went out to the common area and chatted for a bit, not mentioning the “episode”.  So, then we all go to sleep.


I was in an unfamiliar place, an all-white contemporary house.  Someone was grabbing me from behind. I was screaming, trying to get free. 

I then noticed the island of the kitchen in my own house, however still in the unfamiliar house.  On the island was my phone and it was ringing with the caller photo first a photo of my mother from 30 years ago which was quickly replaced with the terrible photo my sister-in-law put in her obituary. 

As I reached for the phone while someone was still trying to abduct me as soon as was able to grab it, the phone went dead, or I must have hit the button to hang up.  I was screaming in my sleep and my friend came in and woke me.

Later that evening, I had another dream which I cannot remember, however, I was again, screaming and felt in danger.  Again, my friend woke me.

One of the interesting things about this is for at least 30 years I had dreams in which I would be screaming, and no sound would ever come.

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing.