A Fox Healing

Sometimes when we have dreams, there is a physical manifestation, or synchronicity that occurs in our waking life that corresponds to, or answers some aspect of the dream. Gram Twylah always instructed me to watch what happened in my waking world after a dream, to see if “the Mystery” would provide more information or details towards revealing the dreams meaning.

Gram shared that the ancestors believed, “That Great Mystery offered the gift of the dreamtime to every creation, as a gift of peace.” It was believed that the dreamtime was a “beginning that never ended,” and although there were many ways to look at a dream, [spiritually, psychologically, physically, emotionally, dimensionally, etc.], the dream gift throughout most indigenous cultural teachings is to witness one’s self through different aspects of consciousness, to advance consciousness.

The following dream was submitted by a client, who I assisted in dealing with some of her recent issues around a betrayal and break up with her partner of many years. I thought this dream was a very direct indicator of the work she has done to heal and recognize her worth.

I am in a big blue convertible, sort of an old fashion 50’s type of car. There is a dark-haired man sitting next to me. He puts his hand on my chest and says, “The hurt and pain caused a hole here, and it must be healed.” Then he looks pleased and says, “No, you appear to have fixed it, but there’s still a small healing that needs to take place right here.” He touches my heart again. I am clear he is touching my heart and not my breasts, there is nothing sexual in his gesture. He starts ‘pulling’ with his breathe, and I can feel something leaving my body, and immediately wake up.

Later driving to work, in waking time, I see a dead brown fox on the side of the road, and it triggers the dream sensation.


I am in a big blue convertible, sort of an old fashion 50’s type of car.  Cars in dreams can symbolize the body or how you are moving forward in life. The 50’stype car suggests time spent (possibly in her relationship). Blue on the Cycles of Truth wisdom wheels represents the place where we need to trust our intuition, and encourage or teach others to use theirs. Almost like the concept of ayni, or reciprocity in the Andean Mystical Tradition.

It also implies the difference one needs to learn between service and servitude. We often get confused, especially in relationships, in thinking we are doing something in service for another’s wellbeing—like trying to love them so they’ll love us, fix it for them, or control their happiness for the sake of our own happiness. We don’t realize this is a form of enabling at best, control at it’s worst because of a fear we hold inside our self. We are infact incurring more karma that we will need to release down the road, or with this person in future lifetimes. True service is holding the space so another can find their ‘wholeness,” and supporting them without expectation, without doing it for them, or without being taken down by their needs in lieu of your own.

That she is driving the car symbolizes she can navigate life for herself freely now. That the car is a convertible, implies that she is open to moving forward and not letting anything stand in the way of enjoying life again.

There is a dark-haired man sitting next to me. He puts his hand on my chest and says, “The hurt and pain caused a hole here, and it must be healed.”

It is true this woman experienced a deep heart wound through betrayal from a partner, but her stability and renewed happiness can only come when she first forgives herself for having to learn that lesson, and then her partner for being the “actor on her stage.” It is less important how he learns the lesson, though that would be a benefit, and more important that she comes back into balance in her heart. 

I see the dark-haired man as being a guide, a higher or more conscious part of herself. And that he is ‘male’ in her dream, signifies that she can trust in the opposite sex again.

Then he looks pleased and says, “No, you appear to have fixed it, but there’s still a small healing that needs to take place right here.” He touches my heart again. I am clear he is touching my heart and not my breasts, there is nothing sexual in his gesture.

This guide, or divine male aspect of herself, is telling her very clearly that she has done the work she needed to do to heal herself. She has changed her story from one of victim, to being more conscious of what she needs to do to re-empower herself as she moves forward with the next heart connection she chooses for herself. She is also clear that she is not being taken advantage of, “there is nothing sexual in his gesture.” She is clear on this even in the dream, not from a charged place of sexuality, but from a clear place of the healing she has accomplished.

As a side note: This reminded me of something that used to occur with balanced, indigenous teachers of integrity on the reservation, or in workshops. When you would ask for a teaching, you would swear they were looking at your breasts. As a woman this initially offended me. When I spoke about it with Gram, she laughed and said, “They are looking at your heart, and the energy you hold there, to make sure your request is of good intention.” Perceptions and projections, we loose alot when we look through fearful lenses.

He starts ‘pulling’ with his breathe, and I can feel something leaving my body, and immediately wake up.

Many traditions have exercises to heal with the breath. Breathing deeply and rhythmically can be a great catalyst for bringing awareness and resonance to the physical. Things manifest in the etheric well before they come into form, and the breath is the connection to our life source energy, chi, prana, etc. and these exercises can release the block in the physical that has manifested. As life source energy, when we nolonger have breath, we nolonger have life. 

Breathing exercise have been proven to reduce stress, re-center one’s self, influence mental clarity, and can promote deep healing. Stanislav Groff’s method of Holotropic Breathwork is an amazing approach, practiced in many arenas, for self-exploration, healing, and discovering personal insights. In shamanic traditions, the breath is often used to suck discordant energies, illness, or entities from the light-body which in turn has a positive effect on the physical body.

Later driving to work, in waking time, I see a dead brown fox on the side of the road, and it triggers the dream release sensation.

According to the traditional teachings Gram Twy’s shared, brown on the Wisdom Wheel was learning how to “know your truth.” It meant organizing your thoughts and actions in a way that brought you closer to building a firmer foundation in which to grow the Self. It required flexibility and the willingness to keep on learning, even when we thought we had it right.

Fox represented a ‘four legged’ that was cunning and sly in his approach. They are seen as ingenuous, enterprising, and playful. Some tribes saw fox as representing a rival, or enemy; someone who was cunning and had penetrated the family or community.

If this were my dream, I would take the visual encounter of the dead fox as showing me that the person who represented the energy of deceit as my ex-partner, had no more hold over me. The truth was known, the discordant energy nolonger was part of what controlled my life, and I had learned (through the representation of the brown color) my own truth in the interplay of the relationship. I would now be ready to organize the future a different future with a partner if I wanted.