The Power Not to Share

This is the shortest month of the year, and in lieu of that, this will be the shortest dream blog decoding for this year. Why? Because I need more dreams people!!! LOL

The most important piece about this dreamer’s dream, is that she did not relay the choice she ended up making; there is no ability to give her a different perspective of her choice. In this case I applaud that missed piece of information.

This somewhat mirrors the awareness that can arise during this astrological period in which we now find ourselves; which I will explain in a minute. Even if this dream occurred in the past, because dreams come from the unconscious, they are not bound by time or space. That is why you can decode a dream from childhood, and it will still hold significance in the explanation of it, for some aspect of where you currently find yourself.

Astrologically we are under the influence of a stellium of planets in Pisces. A stellium is a number of planets (or important asteroids), in the same zodiacal sign. The Sun, Venus, Mercury, Chiron and Neptune will be in the sign of Pisces between February 18th and March 5th, 2018. With Jupiter currently in Scorpio, it expands and impacts, what lies deep within, either for release or expanded self-understanding.

All signs have their positive and less positive aspects. Pisces is a water sign. It can cleanse, overwhelm, is intuitive, compassionate, self-less—to the point of one’ own detriment sometimes—escapist, and creative. Scorpio is likewise a water sign—powerful, magnetic, emotional, intuitive, secretive, compulsive, inflexible and resentful.

Why am I sharing astrological information for a dream blog? Well, like this dreamer’s dream, this time period offers all of us a deep healing and a time for strong ‘knowing’. In this time period, it is possible to release old karmic ties and patterns—especially those in which we may still wear rose-colored glasses—if we are able to assess the karmic cycles and contracts we have been trying to move beyond for so long.

How does this apply to the dream? I know this dreamer well. We have worked in session through her dreams for many years. She is an intuitive, giving person, but she often has denied what she knows giving her power away to others, under the illusion that they might now better or more. She has been learning to stand in her own power, and the fact that she clearly states that “I choose correctly” shows me she is moving past old karmic patterns of seeking out others opinions, and trusting her own.

The Dream:
It is dark in the dream and I have to choose from some hollowed out rubber tubes. They are red yellow and green. I had to choose the ones that were flexible and could unfold. I choose correctly. Then I remembered I dreamed this dream before and I chose the same tubes before. I told myself I had to remember the dream if I had it before. It must be important, something I need to know.

It is dark in the dream and I have to choose from some hollowed out rubber tubes.

This implies that she feels ‘in the dark’ about something. Something has as yet come into your conscious awareness. Tubes by their definition are hollow, which means they can be filled with something. But to hollow something out, also means to clean something out of an item, to its core level. Rubber indicates that something is flexible, resilient and can be shaped in a new way.

They are red yellow and green. I had to choose the ones that were flexible and could unfold.

On the wisdom wheel, red stands for life force energy, speaking your truth and trusting yourself. Yellow stands for overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of you loving yourself, releasing past injustices, and the persistence to conquer your fears. Green stands for analyzing where you need to deconstruct your world to reconstruct it, self-determination to respect one’s truth, and coming to one’s own self-authority.

She has to be flexible with these choices, and unfold the old story she has told herself; the one’s that have held her back from each of these aspects of herself. The story of the past (its questions, mistakes, alliances), nolonger are important. What is of utmost importance is the story she creates for herself as she moves towards her future choices.

I choose correctly.

She has taken a stand for herself. She knows her truth. She has defined that she made the right choice for herself. No one else needs to know what that is, she has determined it for herself, and only herself. Brava!!!

Anyone of those colored tubes could have brought her to a place of self-actualization, so it almost doesn’t matter which one she chose. That she chose, and sees it as the correct choice, is empowering enough. It implies she has done the self-work she has needed to stand in her own sovereignty.

Then I remembered I dreamed this dream before and I chose the same tubes before. I told myself I had to remember the dream if I had it before. It must be important, something I need to know.

Her dreaming self, the 95% subconscious self, (where so much of our personal ‘iceberg’ dwells), brings her to a memory that she has not only dreamt this same dream before, but that she has chosen correctly before. It is a reminder to take that knowing into her waking state. For not only having made this choice, but other choices she makes for herself moving forward. 

Yes, it is important to know that the choices we make, can untie the karmic cycles we often find ourselves in. That when we trust ourselves, love ourselves, and stand in our self-authority, that we ARE being compassionate, intuitive, and flexible with our own needs….and that is self-realization.
Thank you dreamer.