Nothing is only Black or White

Today is Thanksgiving in the US, a day set aside for gratitude, family, friends, and the bounty of what the Earth offers us, and the generosity of what those First Nations People, the Wampanoag, offered those first refugees of religious freedom. Our country from the very first landing of those ships, was based on refugees looking for a better way of life, for themselves, and their children. We are at our best when we keep that in mind, as our global situation–where all colors and creeds are forced into situations where they become refugees–to be cognizant of what those Pilgrims really were, and remember the assistance to their survival that those they did not know, the Wampanoag, offered them.

Why state all that in a dream blog? Because the Pilgrims dreamed big to find a place to celebrate their religious beliefs. And the Native People dreamed big to step outside of fear of strangers and instead encourage, teach, and welcome these refugees. And our dreams are big opportunities that show us, life and choices is neither black nor white; and between the two often lies sacrifice, trust, and new beginnings to change old ways. This dreamer’s, dream brings this to mind.

The Dream: This was a long dream, and I don’t remember anything else but this fragment. I don’t know if it is enough for you to decode, but I thought to send it along.

I am looking in lots, and lots of rooms for something, or someone. I go into one room that is very sunny and I see a tiny black puppy all alone. I don’t want to leave it there alone, but I also know I can’t take it with me because I travel so much. I go into another room and see a small white puppy, exactly the same size and breed as the black one, only this one is with its mother, so it is easier to leave it there. 

The scene changes and becomes almost cartoon-like. There is a big game going on, and Tom Brady is yelling at everyone to be aware of something. I wake up.

Aside: even one sentence, or perhaps if you title your dream…even if you just have a feeling about the dream. These can all be decoded, because they are simply your dream-self giving you clues to something that needs to be addressed, uncovered, discovered or released.

I am looking in lots, and lots of rooms for something, or someone.

The dreamer is on a search for something, possibly someone (their inner knowing) that can inform them of a turn they need to explore on their path. Searching enables one to transform, or to awaken to something they have been denying or ignoring. Lots and lots of rooms signifies that they need to search all levels of themselves: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, whatever domain they can explore, that may trigger awareness for a growth process.

I go into one room that is very sunny and I see a tiny black puppy all alone. I don’t want to leave it there alone, but I also know I can’t take it with me because I travel so much.

There is a place within the dreamer that is trying to light her way forward. The lit room represents a clear situation she must look at, or that might prove brighter or clearer for her growth should she explore it further. There is a tiny black puppy. Puppies signify a dog that still needs to mature. Black on the Wisdom Wheel (as Gram Twylah taught me), signifies listening to yourself, sound, harmony, the balance of one’s truth (which is never simply black or white). It’s adversary is anxiety, because anxiety triggers us into a vibration where we often can’t hear the truth, or listen to our Higher self’s caution/s. 

Dogs are about loyalty, pursuit, and how to play while holding a profession. I would assess that because the dreamer travels so much, that she doesn’t have enough time to play. No down time. Something is trying to light-up that fact within her (all the rooms represent all the places within her). She feels she cannot take the time to play, and be loyal to her own needs, and leaves that truth (the black puppy) behind. She is not listening to herself.

I go into another room and see a small white puppy, exactly the same size and breed as the black one, only this one is with its mother, so it is easier to leave it there. 

She is given another perspective. Same size, same breed, different color. This one is white, and it seems it may be easier for her to nurture this aspect of herself in the immediate, because “the mother is there.”

A couple of observations. First, on the Wisdom Wheels, black falls opposite white. White represents magnetism, boundaries, sharing, and release. In order to work one side of the wheel (in this case, her inner ‘black’ desires) , one must approach from the opposite side. So she needs to nurture herself to create better boundaries in her work, while also magnetizing that which she needs to grow and that which she needs to release (‘white puppy’).  Sharing with others is not fulfilling if we cannot share with our self, our own self needs. She needs to create a strategy to bridge the two ‘puppies’ to be loyal to herself.

The scene changes and becomes almost cartoon-like. There is a big game going on, and Tom Brady is yelling at everyone to be aware of something. I wake up.

A scene shift in the dream-time often is our dreaming selves way of trying to impart the message again. In this case it is cartoon-like, making the dreamer curious because for her to note that, suggests it caught her attention. 

There is a big game going on…yes the ‘game’ of her life. Tom Brady (for those of you who are not sports fans or from New England), is the quarter-back of the Patriot’s. The quarter-back is the central figure on the field, he controls the plays. This represents the part of her Self that not only wants her to play more, but who needs to gain control with how she has been addressing her life to create more balance.

And, the ‘patriot’s’ represent having the courage to do something different, possibly something that others won’t back. Maybe travel less, maybe have more spontaneous fun, maybe take time to meditate to listen to herself needs, maybe creating boundaries with others usurping her time….it could be many things, and that is for the dreamer to decide. BUT, Tom (her inner personal quarter-back) is yelling “to be aware.” Aware of her needs so she has the ability to control them, instead of them controlling her.

Thank you dreamer for sharing…….and Happy Thanks that life is not simply black and white.