The Road Less Traveled

This is a rather long dream, so I am not going to say a lot initially before decoding. What I will share is that when we dream of our partner so prominently throughout the dream sequence, it can imply the opposite part of ourselves. That is not to say that the individual does not fully represent who they are in the dreamer’s life and storyline (dream’s are multi-leveled as I have often said), but they also represent a part of the dreamer that the dreamer needs to more fully discover and embody.

In this case it is male/female, but these are not always gender specific. We all, no matter our sexual preference or lifestyle, have both the divine feminine and the divine masculine elements within our soul essence. When we find that union, we develop our voice. We are each encouraged to explore, learn to listen to, and find balance in those aspects of Self; it is that knowing that can offer us a sense of sovereignty and direction in life.   

The Dream

Daniel is driving. I’m sitting next to him and we had to reroute due to construction
Heading up a hill it’s almost as if we already are on a dirt road. The road goes to the left or the right.
I’m saying I think we can’t go there, and he still drives and says I’ll figure it out. This man in a dusty white tank top and a hard hat tries to stop and redirect him but he makes a right turn anyways. It’s only dirt and hard to drive. Sand is flying around as he hits the gas. I remember thinking I could never drive in all that sand and dirt. Holding on tightly as he drives, it’s bumpy, dusty, and scary but I’m not feeling worried for my life. Mostly I don’t want police problems. The man is chasing us.
He swings by a house and somehow, I’m all of a sudden in the house running downstairs to get out. I’m kind of talking to Daniel while going/running thru house saying what I’m doing. Running downstairs. Maybe I’m giving him directions how to get out.
As I’m coming down-stairs toward the bottom floor I see a woman with children trying to get in to her home. The front door is all glass. She is a brunette with a kind of aprony dress, light bluish. I run up to the door while thinking how do I do this without scaring her. I start explaining while opening her door from the inside. She comes in and seems fine. Then I’m sitting in the room with her and her children. All of a sudden she is blonde, and all the children are Blond too. They are small (not babies) and beautiful children. It seems like there are more and more. I’m counting and counting. She is kind of teaching them but sitting next to me saying stuff like, “what word can you use for that”. Also including math. I ask if she home schools and then realize from her answer, that every child is home schooled now….we are in the midst of a pandemic. I try to act as normal as possible as if I belong and there and there is nothing strange with me being here. I ask them some questions and engage a little with the children, holding the little ones and being sweet with them.
The children are multiplying…I’m confused and counting and counting.
Then she is no longer sitting next to me but standing in front of us all smoking a joint, she offers me, and I turn it down. Then she hands it to someone and I’m thinking, WHAT! I thought she was miss healthy homeschooling mom! Turns out there are more parents in the room mostly sitting on the floor. They take a joint and share it. I feel the need to engage with children to distract them from this. I start talking and teaching them. I want them to know not all adults smoke, and want to say it’s bad, but don’t. I’m still the underdog here with police probably looking for me. Daniel is in the room and I am not sure if he smoked or not, normally he would not, but I’m not sure if he is joining them or not.
I get woken up by my dog.


Daniel is driving. I’m sitting next to him and we had to reroute due to construction.
Heading up a hill it’s almost as if we already are on a dirt road. The road goes to the left or the right. I’m saying I think we can’t go there, and he still drives and says I’ll figure it out.

This is an interesting way to start the dream. Daniel is driving the car, which means he is the one in control in most domestic situations. Cars represent how we are moving forward in our life. Daniel means, “God is my judge,” so I would ask when he is dominant or insistent around certain issues in this relationship, does she feel judged, and/or take a ”passenger seat’ position?

There is construction up ahead making the road impassable. There is something that needs to be rebuilt on the path this union is taking-either with Daniel, or perhaps with her inner male. She is in need of feeling stronger to make alternative decisions; or to receive from her divine masculine the protection she needs with choices to feel she has more authority and self autonomy.

They are going up a hill, indicating this relationship might be encountering a hard stretch ahead. Or that she is coming to some determination about her own personal needs. The road is dirt, a sign to create stabilization. Driving up a hill often means fear of change on a love level. The dirt road is identified as a road less traveled by this couple and could mean they need to rebuild (mirroring the construction), or redefine what this relationship really needs to flourish.

The road goes to the left or the right, she doesn’t specify. The dreamer hasn’t been able to choose a direction, and when she offers that this might be too hard to accomplish, the partner steps forward and says “he will figure it out.” Leaving one of two possibilities-she is either not part of that discussion, or she doesn’t ‘know’ how to insert herself in a stronger way for fear of losing something.

This man in a dusty white tank top and a hard hat tries to stop and redirect him, but he makes a right turn anyways. It’s only dirt and hard to drive. Sand is flying around as he hits the gas. I remember thinking I could never drive in all that sand and dirt. Holding on tightly as he drives, it’s bumpy, dusty, and scary but I’m not feeling worried for my life. Mostly I don’t want police problems. The man is chasing us.

There is a man in a white tank top and hard hat that tries to stop the car. Notice she says, “tries to redirect him, (Daniel), but he makes a right turn anyway. This man in the road may be someone that sees this is a situation that may come to trouble, or remind her of trouble in another relationship she had. It can be someone from her past. A man that flexed his weight around; who showed his strength in inappropriate ways; some one that was ‘hard headed’. Someone potentially that she needed to establish firm boundaries with and run from. Those memories could be mirroring a direction she is not establishing in her current relationship, taking her down a similar road that feels out of her control. Yes, white tank tops and hard hats can symbolize that.

Now Daniel, steps on the gas, increasing the pressure in the situation. He veers to the right, suggesting he will do what he wants-he seems conscious in the way he is moving forward in life, does the dreamer feel she is? She doesn’t know how to negotiate all this, its’ bumpy (not smooth living); dusty (needing to be cleaned up); and scary (this relationship path in which she has given over so much energy or power to). Within this current relationship she is not worried for her life. But, she doesn’t want some one outside this union with authority (policeman), to tell her what to do. Whoever that man is from the past, his memory is “chasing her” as she tries to negotiate where she currently is, in this relationship and figure something out for herself.

He swings by a house and somehow, I’m all of a sudden in the house running downstairs to get out. I’m kind of talking to Daniel while going/running thru house saying what I’m doing. Running downstairs. Maybe I’m giving him directions how to get out.

The dream and dreamer become confused here. Now she’s in the house running downstairs. Going down represents going into our unconscious to find an answer. She’s ‘kind of talking’ to Daniel, because, this inner search has to be her own process of uncovering; and in finding her inner masculine for guidance. She doesn’t know what she is doing by her own admission. Who is she trying to get out-better understanding with Daniel; her divine masculine’s ability to take charge (which might make a situation come to a head); the ghost from her past that she needs to readdress the impact that had on her. I imagine it is all of these, that’s what a deep dive into ourselves exposes.

As I’m coming down-stairs toward the bottom floor I see a woman with children trying to get in to her home. The front door is all glass. She is a brunette with a kind of aprony dress, light bluish.

She gets to the bottom of the basement, to the root of things. There is a brunette haired woman with children trying to get into her home. The home is the psych; all the children are aspects of the dreamer trying to get to her, to offer personal information. It appears this part is multi-layered representing her unconscious or subconscious trying to come to light. Maybe when she was a child, or her children, or possibly the ‘children or ‘inner child’ work she does with others. There needs to be self-directed nurturing in ways that she hasn’t possibly felt in life; she’s been the giver, now she needs to give to herself. The front door being glass suggests a clear opening or passage way in which she has the ability to reach into her past, her present and her future.

Brunette haired woman in dreams suggest there are troubles in love that need to be addressed. It also represents brown on the Wisdom Wheels. The vibration represented by brown is used to guide or nurture one to organize life in ways that help us know and formulate the truth we wish to live.

Blue apron, represents (again from the Wisdom Wheels and the image of serving something or someone in an apron), suggests trusting her intuition to uncover where she may be in service or servitude to a belief that no longer serves her moving forward. It is also the color of the throat chakra, and is about speaking up or speaking about her own needs, truth, desires, likes and dislikes. It’s empowering to be in service to the Self.

I run up to the door while thinking how do I do this without scaring her. I start explaining while opening her door from the inside. She comes in and seems fine. Then I’m sitting in the room with her and her children. All of a sudden she is blonde, and all the children are Blond too.

She goes to the door, ready to open to her memories, new information, or needs, but she doesn’t want to frighten the woman. This is the part of her that doesn’t want to make a move or insert herself in ways that would scare herself. She has kept it all together and multi-tasked in a way that has kept safe all these children/aspects/parts of herself. But she is opening the door from the inside-her inner world is pulling at her to experience different in her outer world.

Suddenly the woman and all the children are blonde. Blonde in dreams suggests a richness that wants to be experienced in life. Yellow/blonde on the Wisdom Wheels is about overcoming injustices, as well as overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of loving ourselves in more fulfilling and expansive ways.

They are small (not babies) and beautiful children. It seems like there are more and more. I’m counting and counting. She is kind of teaching them but sitting next to me saying stuff like, “what word can you use for that”. Also including math. I ask if she home schools and then realize from her answer, that every child is home schooled now….we are in the midst of a pandemic.

There are beautiful parts of herself (the dreamer) she hasn’t fully experienced or embraced yet. As she opens her awareness to them, there are more and more parts of herself that want a voice, want to be seen, heard, loved, enjoyed, and learn more. Words have power of their own volition, so this ‘mothering’ part of herself asks her what words she would choose for her own liberation and education to recognize how amazing she is.

It is then she acknowledges she is in the middle of a pandemic….the outer world is mimicking her inner world–isolation and chaos at the same time.

I try to act as normal as possible as if I belong and there and there is nothing strange with me being here. I ask them some questions and engage a little with the children, holding the little ones and being sweet with them.
The children are multiplying…I’m confused and counting and counting.

She tries to maintain a status quo; it is safer that way, but she also realizes there is nothing strange about all these aspects of herself. Asking them questions and engaging with them is healthy and shows she is discovering her value and worth. Being sweet with the little ones, is being sweet with herself. The more she acknowledges these unacknowledged parts of herself, the more parts she sees that need to be addressed. It’s confusing how much of herself there is to acquaint herself with. That holds true for any of us when we are having expansive moments of self-awareness.

Then she is no longer sitting next to me but standing in front of us all smoking a joint, she offers me, and I turn it down. Then she hands it to someone and I’m thinking, WHAT! I thought she was miss healthy homeschooling mom! Turns out there are more parents in the room mostly sitting on the floor. They take a joint and share it. I feel the need to engage with children to distract them from this. I start talking and teaching them. I want them to know not all adults smoke, and want to say it’s bad, but don’t. I’m still the underdog here with police probably looking for me. Daniel is in the room and I am not sure if he smoked or not, normally he would not, but I’m not sure if he is joining them or not.
I get woken up by my dog.

Smoking a joint suggests this has all been too overwhelming and she needs to numb out, but she refuses, she doesn’t want to numb herself. She thinks WHAT!!! indicating she thought she had it all together in her waking life. And she did, but in ways that nurtured and cared for everyone and everything else.

The parents partaking are all the adult aspects of herself that she has used to appear healthy, in control and on top of things. This is said without criticism or judgement; it is what we all do to survive and make our outward life appear normal.

This is an important part of her dream. She doesn’t engage, she turns to the children, those rich, possibly untapped parts of herself she is discovering or uncovering. She is ready to turn from her own numbness and re-engage with her needs. She still feels like an underdog–undefended; possibly not understood; no longer wanting to be numb to her own needs and desires, will mean changes in her outer world. That takes courage.

Again, this sense of fearing her own inner authority-the police, and yet that is what she needs now. That part is ‘looking’ for her. She’s unclear of Daniel’s position. So as she becomes more self-aware of her own needs and voice, will Daniel understand? Will he want her to numb out to herself to stay in their union. Will stepping into her own authority create confrontations that will inspire changes for him too? There are no answers to that yet. And, if he represents the inner masculine within herself, will that part be there to protect and encourage her changes. There are no answers to that yet either.

But her dog wakes her up. In the First Nations teachings on animal totems, dogs stand for loyalty to the self. Will her loyalty to the Self awaken her to the needs of the self? There are no answers to that yet either.

Thank you dreamer for sharing.