Ask to Receive

There is no doubt we are in stressful times on so many levels Add to this conflicting timelines that seem to be propelling us in so many directions for new thoughts, release, accountability and changes in our lives that are not always timely or sought out.

On top of that the astrology, the photon belt, and the solar flares are all impacting our dream states. I have heard from more and more people that their dreams are becoming more vivid and full of symbolism, even when they are short. I feel this is also a time when those that have crossed are making themselves more available, and coming into our awareness, especially through dreams, to help us through these times. This dream seems to be one of those.

The Dream:

In the dream, I was in some sort of distress, hiding in some brush at night.  It was cold, 35 degree-ish cold.  I was near a small rounded bridge with a light.  The light illuminated a misty fog.   I felt a presence walking over the bridge which then became a ball of yellow and white glistening energy moving in a circular motion.  It brought me a great level of peace and comfort.  I could not discern if it was the energy of a person that passed.  Seemed it may have been my father or brother, however, not a definitive feeling.  The dream then ended.  It has remained vivid to me which is unusual as I normally do not remember dreams. 

The decoding:

In the dream, I was in some sort of distress, hiding in some brush at night.  

We have many stressors in life, and it is not unusual for them to penetrate our sleeping/dream state. Sometimes prior to a big event, or a loss, changing career roles, relationship issues—anything that might activates an emotional, mental, or physical discomfort from outside our self, can trigger a stressful sleep.

It’s dark out, meaning that this information is coming from the dreamer’s unconscious or subconscious state for review. Hiding behind a bush could symbolize the fear of letting go of something, but it can also be playful. Think of hide and seek as a child. In this case it might suggest the dreamer does not feel as carefree as they may have been as a child. It might also imply they are looking to experience a new goal in life that is not quite clear to them how to access as yet.

It was cold, 35 degree-ish cold.  I was near a small, rounded bridge with a light.  The light illuminated a misty fog.  

To feel a cold pass through you in the dreamstate can have a multitude of connotations. It could be sensing another entity or disincarnate spirit, which often leaves one with an odd, sometimes frightening feeling. Sometimes it means there is a disappointment coming, or there is a feeling of loneliness. It can also point to a deal that is not the best for one to invest in. Still at other times, it may indicate that you have to warm up to a new idea or person.

Bridges symbolize important transitions in one’s life. Just as likely it can mean there is an important decision to make and because the light is illuminating a misty fog, it can imply that the dreamer does not have all the information yet. Fog can also mean deception, uncertainty, or that things in one’s life are not what they seem. There is light shining though, so there is guidance or illumination of the issue to be had. But it comes from inner guidance by understanding outer things that will be illuminated for you.

As a side note, 3+5 equals 8. The number 8 in the tarot indicates a time to have patience, be cautious, not jump to conclusions, or make hasty decisions. Turned on its side it is the infinity symbol; life everlasting. I would look to other decisions you have made when you did not feel at ease or perhaps were too hasty with a conclusion. How did that work out for you?

As a major arcana card, it is the Adjustment card, a card of personal karma, justice, finding balance and viewing something objectively. On the Wisdom Wheels it is the place of trusting your intuition and discerning if you are in service or servitude to something—be that a person, a belief, a past story you repeatedly tell yourself, or anything that holds you back from what the situational ‘teaching’ was/is meant to show you greater understanding and direction.  

I felt a presence walking over the bridge which then became a ball of yellow and white glistening energy moving in a circular motion.  

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that this could definitely be the spirit of someone, possibly a loved one, that is trying to get your attention around something. Or a higher being of light that wishes to help guide or inform you. The presence is walking over the bridge, bidding you to do the same;; have the courage to make the transition. The energy is palpable and moving in a circular manner indicating as well as being a ‘ball of light’, representing a direction moving you toward wholeness.

It is both yellow and white. Yellow on the Wisdom Wheels is overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of loving ourselves, and possibly the injustices inflicted on you personally around issues of love. White is about boundaries, and magnetizing to one’s self the people, places, and things that help us to blossom, while releasing from life the people places, and beliefs that do not allow for personal growth and joy.

The energy is not static, it is moving. Energy is always moving, but in this case, you can see and feel it. It is moving forward, crossing whatever that bridge might symbolize to you that holds you back from what you desire.

It brought me a great level of peace and comfort.  I could not discern if it was the energy of a person that passed.  Seemed it may have been my father or brother, however, not a definitive feeling.  

If the essence of the energy is the spirit of your father or brother, it could very well be one of them showing you they are present to help guide you with whatever this stressful situation is that you are feeling or that may arrive. They may be their to help you consider old beliefs or agreements that you are meant to now leave behind.  Counter intuitively a new opportunity might be presenting itself shortly and their objective is to bring you peace and comfort around the decision you make.

The Laws of the Universe are such that those who have crossed over cannot necessarily assist us unless we give them permission. We are in a free will 3D state. The veils are the thinnest at sunrise and sunset, and then at Hallowmas and All Soul’s Day (October 31st/November 1st), but you do not need to wait until the fall. Pick one of those times during your day to ask your loved ones to help with whatever is occurring in your life that doesn’t feel complete or that needs reconstruction for greater alignment or happiness. Then watch for the signs. They can come in many ways.

Interestingly certain colors are also associated with different angels that are always their in the ethers/dimensions to assist. Yellow represents Archangel Jophiel, the angel that helps us come to a place where we can actualize happy joyous thoughts. White is Archangel Gabriel who reveals to us (think revelations) something new and is considered “the strength of God.” You seem to have lots of assistance at this time, so be clear about what it is you wish to experience or release and then ask for help. Asking is actually a sign of trust, inner strength, and being able to receive.

The dream then ended.  It has remained vivid to me which is unusual as I normally do not remember dreams. 

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing.