Free Fall

As we start to move away from the darkness of winter and the light begins to increase (tomorrow is Imbolg in the Celtic tradition and Candlemas in the Christian tradition-a time for lighting new fires and preparing seeds), it reminds me how much one’s dreams can bring ‘enlightened seeds’ that can foster new levels of awareness for the dreamer to cultivate.

We have likewise moved into a time period where all the planets in our solar system have turned direct, offering us a meditative time to ‘seed our purpose’ moving forward. As we move towards the light, and the spring equinox, it is time to think about the new seeds we will plant for our conscious growth and a new season in our life. For those who have studied with me in the South-Central Andean Tradition, the cultivation of our ‘Inca Seed’, like the rituals surrounding Imbolg, and the energy of the forward moving planets, provides a time to ‘irrigate’ what we wish to grow.

Dreams enhance our perceptions. Our truths are formulated by our perceptions. To advance our truths we need to understand that our perceptions cannot stay static, like the seasons, and the planets life in general needs to move forward. I chose this dream because it teaches something about allowing oneself to go with the flow, even when things feel out of control and yet those times of feeling out of control can also lead to new kernels of truth.


I was looking out at a lake from the shore, and it was so beautiful, and it looked Ike glass.  Nothing moving Not a thing. 2 people came over I think they were from work, and I was talking to them about how beautiful it looked, and I started walking on it and fell in! I couldn’t believe it wasn’t frozen and more so that I did that. I started sliding down into some logs with the rapids and the teachers couldn’t hear me yelling for them. 

I died but not sure if I died after I woke up or right before I did. Nobody saved me. I was stuck I couldn’t lift my body up and I couldn’t get loose from the log. Oddly I felt great when I woke up for the day today. 


I was looking out at a lake from the shore, and it was so beautiful, and it looked Ike glass.  Nothing moving Not a thing.

Lakes have to do with water, and water often symbolizes emotions. The dreamer is looking at the water from the shore, indicating the need to stabilize or ground before moving forward.

It looks like glass, is beautiful, but nothing is moving. This suggests to me that the dreamer has a desire or an idea that feels like it might be rewarding, but has put the actions to attain it on pause. There’s no movement, just the potential for beauty in the concept, but action is always needed to concretize the vision.

2 people came over I think they were from work, and I was talking to them about how beautiful it looked, and I started walking on it and fell in!

I have spoken many times in these dream blogs about the teachings of my primary mentor Grandmother Twylah Nitsch. On the Wisdom Wheels of Truth, the number two placement stands for how we need to assess and appraise our truth. It also asks us to consider if we are honoring ourselves in the process.

Here the dreamer is seeking a response from those she works with. This could indicate that she needs some sort of outside validation to find what she is seeking. The symbolism of the lake-is her desire to have things be emotionally calm and rewarding. She wants clarity around some aspect of her life’s purpose. Work is where we are paid for our energetic exchange, and sometimes dreaming of a lake can symbolize something you have to consider carefully for further financial success or stability.

She leaves the perceived stability of the shore to walk forward and assess the beauty of her new idea, but falls in. There is fear in moving forward, possibly with taking a risk for a new desire, a new job, or a new way to birth herself more fully into this Earthwalk.

I couldn’t believe it wasn’t frozen and more so that I did that. I started sliding down into some logs with the rapids and the teachers couldn’t hear me yelling for them. 

Logs are not trees, they represent deadwood, so old patterns, concerns, or limiting opinions that she is trying to cling to, to stabilize what she needs to change. She states that she cannot believe she did that….she cannot believe she trusted that she could move forward into the beauty she perceives could be hers. But how could she when she thought it was ice-ice is rigid and signifies a mental block of an emotional belief.

The water now has turned to rapids, meaning there is a sense of feeling out of control. She has renamed the co-workers as teachers-an entirely different energy. She is looking for instruction and this may suggest that she doesn’t have faith in her ‘inner guidance’, her inner teachers. My sense is that she may have tried to change before, but felt swept away by a different outcome than she had expected or desired.

The lake is not beautiful now, it is frightening. The water is not like glass now (contained and clear); it has become a moving river, rapids (out of control). She is yelling for help but no one hears her which suggest that she feels unsupported, I would suspect she feels no clarity or support in both her inner and outer world.

I died but not sure if I died after I woke up or right before I did. Nobody saved me. I was stuck I couldn’t lift my body up and I couldn’t get loose from the log. 

Oddly I felt great when I woke up for the day today. 

This is the most important section of the whole dream, and something her inner guides, teachers, spirit helpers want her to assess. It’s often the last part of a dream that shocks us, amuses us, or confuses us into carrying the memory of the dream into our waking awareness to review.

It is true, to follow our dreams, our purpose, our individual desires for a richer life experience, we sometimes have to die to what was. Death is about transformation and renewal, it is not the end of something, infact some spiritual teachers would suggest it is the beginning of something much greater.

I find her wording interesting: “I was not sure if I died after I woke up or right before I did.” I think she wants to ‘wake up’ to some part of her life that is simply not working for her. That is not a death wish, it is an awakening wish. And like she said: “No one came to help me,” because this is the  inner work we all must do on our own.

Here’s the crux though, she couldn’t get loose from the log. She hasn’t been able to let go of old patterns or self-judgments that limit and define. The clarity she truly seeks is to have her emotions (the lake), be supported, clear, and safe to be able to fully honor what she needs from her waking life. Though that would be ideal, the trials we encounter to grow, become the strength we can use to keep going, if we look at them not as failures but as stepping stones. Even the seeds I spoke about at the beginning need to weather the hot sun, the torrential downpours, and high winds to stabilize and bloom.

Thank you, dreamer for your dream, it is a good reminder that we only limit ourselves out of fear, but there is a risk that comes with not trying. And dying to the old ways of doing things can bring new life, just as winter passes into spring, and night moves into the light of day.

I am reminded of Marianne Williamson’s quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”