Is it worth speaking up?

We are in a quickening timeline where what we are thinking or speaking (positive, negative, or indifferent) has the potential to influence or manifest in our lives. We are the creators of our own destiny; that is not a new age notion, it is a reality. Watching how we speak about our self and others, what we act on or not, is paramount during these times. Our actions, conscious or unconscious, creates the energy that will bring opportunities or challenges to our reality. Taking charge of how we wish to invest in our life, experience our life, and/or design our life therefore is both a gift and a responsibility.

Our dreams become narratives that can enlighten our waking state to what needs change, where we need to pay attention to find more joy, or correct something out of balance to live more fully. Awareness brings choices, choices bring change, and commitment to that change can bring freedom. Thus where we put our attention/intentions, is exactly what we will bring to life and create in our 3D world. This is where individual responsibility to the Self resides. This dream, I feel, challenges the dreamer to a choice to be made.

The Dream:

I was outside in the parking area of a nice hotel.  There was a red Lamborghini parked nearby and there were 3 kids climbing all over it.  The parents had allowed them to do it because it made them happy, but it wasn’t their car.

The owner of the car came out after the family had left.  He was very irate that there were finger and footprints all over the car.  He complained to the manager but since they didn’t have a valet or parking attendant there was no expectation of them watching over the car.  The owner wrote a note and asked the manager to give it to the family when they returned.

The family returned after the car was gone and received the note.  The mom was near me and mentioned she didn’t know who this was asking them to call or why.  I explained that it was the car’s owner and he had been upset, also that if I were her, I wouldn’t call as he was going to be rather cranky. 

I saw the mom later and she said that she had not called and appreciated me telling her what it was about.

The Decoding:

I was outside in the parking area of a nice hotel. 

Usually, to dream of a hotel means that something is changing in your life, or you are wanting something in life to change. Hotels are places where people are always arriving or departing; you can feel pampered at some or disappointed at others given that energy. This can suggest that you are looking for something to renovate or re-invent for yourself, particularly at work.

You are in the parking lot however, which suggests you need to pause and assess how, if, or where you wish to do this. You are in transition, possibly relying on others to help you to make this decision. The fact that it is a nice hotel, portends it will be a good change in your life that could bring you more satisfaction. This therefore can be a career change dream and/or centers around you making a choice about something at work.

There was a red Lamborghini parked nearby and there were 3 kids climbing all over it.  The parents had allowed them to do it because it made them happy, but it wasn’t their car.

Cars represent you, the individual who either has control over their life, or in some situation you are experiencing feels you do not have control. Red on the Wisdom Wheels (which I have spoken frequently about in dream blogs), suggests you need to not only have faith in the process, but to communicate what it is you want/need with the wisdom to know you deserve that expression. Lamborghini’s may represent that it feels a bit out of your reach; or perhaps that a raise you are looking for, or acknowledgement at work around an area you are questioning, seems unattainable.

Three kids are climbing all over the car, without any parental intervention. This suggests to me that there may be those where you work now that haven’t worked as hard as you, or been there as long as you, who may be getting more recognition or accolades (or even money) than you are. And your bosses are either turning a blind eye to this fact, or perhaps are happily letting things take their course without being more responsive or supportive in their role.

You are the observer of all this, and there is a need is to organize what you need to say or perhaps bring it to the right people. To wisely state your opinion, knowing the innate gifts you have support your request or reporting. You need to be decisive to show them what a valuable asset you are.

The owner of the car came out after the family had left.  He was very irate that there were finger and footprints all over the car.  He complained to the manager but since they didn’t have a valet or parking attendant there was no expectation of them watching over the car.  The owner wrote a note and asked the manager to give it to the family when they returned.

Again, keep in mind everything in the dream is what it is, but also an aspect of yourself. You are the owner of your own life’s experience/s. Are you irate that you are not being recognized for what you bring to the table? Are you being proactive? Are you allowing others to undermine you without addressing what is upsetting you? The fingerprints and footprints tell me there is some sort of a “paper trail” or recognition that others aren’t being accountable for. It is there for all to see.

You may/may not have gone to a “higher-up”, (the manger) who perhaps has only made excuses (they have no valet, so they can’t assess your complaint). Or you as manager have not taken this to the right person, division, or high ups to make a change. Or potentially even worse, you have, but they are not supporting your observations. I am going out on a limb here and suggesting that maybe writing a note is about you putting something in your human resource file as a protective/proactive measure stating your observations, to no avail.

The family returned after the car was gone and received the note.  The mom was near me and mentioned she didn’t know who this was asking them to call or why.  I explained that it was the car’s owner and he had been upset, also that if I were her, I wouldn’t call as he was going to be rather cranky. 

The ‘family’ returns could be the group reconvening in a meeting or the topic coming up again. The car is gone, which could mean it is without your presence. They receive the note-potentially your observations, report, request—but, they still do not understand the situation, or have chosen not to, so nothing is done.

The mom represents the nurturer in you. This is a twist in the dream. Maybe there is a part of you that simply knows if you bring anything up it will go nowhere given those you are working with. Here your dreaming self might be cautioning you not to say anything for fear of reprisals. You know if you bring it to the powers that be or write anything for your file, that people (your boss?) will be upset. This circles us back to the beginning of the dream.  Knowing this could be what is making you question staying or moving into something new—be that another division, another organization, or another career all together (the nice hotel).

I saw the mom later and she said that she had not called and appreciated me telling her what it was about.

This suggests there is an aspect of yourself trying to guide you through whatever situation this is bringing up for you. It is the part of your dream where you are in the parking lot assessing that nice hotel. Keep in mind this is after all your dream and you may see these symbols as expressing something else in your life entirely. Because dreams come from a place of no space/time, it might also be a prewarning of something that will be coming up shortly where you work.

Thank you dreamer for sharing.