No Choice is Still a Choice

I try to offer various explanations in my dream blog posts that reflect the archetypes, arcane symbols, and alternative cultural and/or indigenous representations within the dreamer’s dreamscape. I definitely try to avoid political statements as there is no use alienating people in an already very polarized society.

All that said, I am breaking my rule this time. I chose the following dream in part because of the strong visuals and what I consider is prophetic implications in light of the draconian dictates recently established by the Supreme Court that came into the news weeks after this dream. This third branch of our government is supposed to be a bi-partisan equalizer that separates church and state from the standards of an outspoken, monied minority. The failure of this court is that they have not maintained a bi-partisan or thoughtful stance to the overall needs of the people, namely women and more deeply women of poverty, color and/or abuse.

As a woman, (who makes up over half of the population), my autonomous rights do not get to be eliminated by a religious right, nor white/black men of the court who themselves were accused of sexual over-step, nor have my freedoms as a self-governing human-being stripped from me. This is not a red/blue statement, it is a Personal and Constitutional right.  

Where a dream is not tied to time and space, it can often be predictive. I do believe this dreamer tapped into the greater field of consciousness and touched a potential in the matrix, that was to develop in what we perceive as a future timeline, resulting in a decision on this timeline. That being now.

As a side note: I look at everything the dreamer shares. Often, they do not share the date of the dream. This dreamer did and it is interesting from both the symbols of tarot and the numerology of the Wisdom Wheels. Immediately obvious to me:

  • 2-11-2022. In the Thoth Tarot, these numbers would be assigned to the major arcana High Priestess, The Lust card, and the Lovers card. In a reading, I would assess that the High Priestess (for all of us as an archetype, men & women) represents one’s inner consciousness and the potential conflict to merge, as a single stream of energy, intuition, eros and passion with logic, focus and right will. The Lust card is about courage, passion, sexuality while cautioning not to be distracted by one’s base nature or others’ rules. The Lovers card is the strongest card in the deck about choice and balance. At best, it is about heart felt action and the unification of inner opposites.
  • If I were to speak to these numbers using Grandmother Twylah’s Cycles of Truth chart, it would read #2-honor your truth by assessing what isn’t true for you. #11-create the boundaries that allow you to magnetize to yourself the people, places, and ideas that ‘help you grow corn’ and release those that don’t. # 6-speak your truth and have faith in your stance.

So, either way, the date of the dream gives us more to think about. That said, and not as a contradiction, material from dreams is often abstract and there are a multitude of ways to interpret one—mystical, psychological, tribal, etc. The reader might have their own takeaway given their experiences and where they currently are in life. Gram Twylah used to tell me dreams are universal, and in some capacity because we are One at Source level, we are all having the same dream, with symbols and explanations as different as our personalities.

The Dream:


I walked around outside a flat building, a community home. Outside the house were two corpses of women on sticks, high at the top if the sticks and propped against a wall. The were wise women leasers, elder herbalists like (XXX) and (XXX). I moved them to see if they were dry enough to bring inside, but their bodies were still soaked, so I leaned them back against the wall. I didn’t want to bring them inside to grow mold. One I leaned in a patch of sun. I wondered if the sun was good for her body. Beside this building was rubble. I climbed across the rubble, past the excavator.

In an open space like a tent there was a row of three white or whitish things hanging down. I think two were fabric panels with symbols on them, like a circle with radiating spokes coming out of the center, and one was a sheepskin drum. The panel that was starkly white looked out of place with the two cream-colored ones. I gave the drum to a woman as a gift. I was uncertain whether she would cherish it/value it/perceive its resonance.

The Decoding:

I walked around outside a flat building, a community home.

Buildings often represent how one is moving toward the future—is it palatial, is it rickety, is it welcoming, is it foreboding—there are many ways to interpret what the future might look like, but in decoding one needs to pay attention to the frequency of the emotions and/or symbols expressed. We always have a choice, our future is malleable.

To dream of a flat building suggests that the space has no depth, and yet it is a community house, so will it support or impede that community. If it is flat, it is not building a dynamic future. A community represents those who share a common interest, they can put their united efforts toward helping to uplift or trying to control. This building sets the tone for the dream, although it is not as visual or as visceral as the images that follows.

Outside the house were two corpses of women on sticks, high at the top of the sticks and propped against the wall. They were wise women leaders, elder herbalists like (XXXX) or (XXXX).

I purposefully chose not to name the two women the dreamer named as they are either living or well known. Both women’s names ironically imply ‘memory’ in completely different ways. My sense is this dream is coming deep from within the dreamer’s psyche.

It also is striking in how this image is reminiscent of a scene in Margaret Atwood’s the Hand Maid’s Tale; images of the Scottish Inquisition against women accused of being witches; herbalists and midwives killed for their skills in the Middle Ages; or the brutal community Cathar murders during the Albigensian War—each set into action by religious zealots either superstitious or looking for control and power. His-tory repeats itself in constant cycles when not in balance.

Dead bodies in dreams represent something that is transforming, often a regret, broken relationship with something or someone, but always implies a change that will impact life. Again, one has to ask the dreamer on a personal basis what is impacting her currently, or from her past, that feels like a little death.

Two corpses of women on sticks, propped against the wall. On the one hand, I have often said in these blogs that everything in the dream is symbolic, but also a representation of something in the dreamer’s inner/outer world. I would ask this dreamer if she feels that she has been disempowered by a situation in her life. Did she need to speak up publicly about something during the time period of this dream? Is she feeling she is lacking life force energy to accomplish a goal, or that her back is ‘up-against-the-wall’?

Taking it both personally to the dreamer and more broadly, to the current politics (as I do believe she was seeing into some future event in her dreamstate), the #2 on the Wisdom Wheel again represents an assessment of what is not being honored, a lack of justice. In the outer world concerning this decision to eliminate federal protection of R vs W has she perhaps tapped into the greater field of consciousness, for surely this decision has the potential for some women who cannot rely on personal autonomy and choice, to face death. How often in history have women become targetsthat is not a question, it is a statement.

To be on wooden sticks suggests something is susceptible to the environment. To be propped against a wall suggests it needs support. To dream of wise women who are dead implies a deep ancient part of our knowledge, understanding or a higher wisdom is being nullified or removed.

I moved them to see if they were dry enough to bring inside, but their bodies were still soaked, so I leaned them back against the wall. I didn’t want to bring them inside to grow mold. One I leaned in a patch of sun. I wondered if the sun was good for her body.

This is a curious section. “Are they dry enough”, in other words is wisdom, either internal to the dreamer or external in our world, withering. “They are still soaked”, suggests they still have a life substance—wet equals water or blood and water implies emotions while blood, is life force energy.

The dreamer leans one into the sun. The sun also indicates life force energy. Without the sun in our solar system, there would be no life on Earth. Without women there would be no human life on Earth. It also indicates warmth and can be interpreted as enlightenment, peace, and divine power. This suggests to me that the dreamer is finding things in her world that will bring renewal, although she hasn’t “fully brought them inside” herself yet. The broader implications of the symbology here, is that humanity will need to be able to do the same; from the ashes (death) comes resurrection or rebirth.

Beside this building was rubble. I climbed across the rubble, past the excavator. In an open space like a tent there was a row of three white or whitish things hanging down. I think two were fabric panels with symbols on them, like a circle with radiating spokes coming out of the center, and one was a sheepskin drum.

The rubble is the past, everything that must pass to renew. The dreamer is moving beyond her own past, as humanity hopefully can accomplish that in the New Earth. If we are both individually and globally willing to face the rubble, the ‘Great Awakening’ cannot be stopped.

Three tents-three is a sacred number, it is a catalyst to new energy and manifestation. Tents represent a free spirit while conveying a temporary feeling of needing more protection. They are in an open space-room for growth. They are white, which goes towards shared community, purity of thought, and magnetism—again from the Wisdom Wheels explained by Grandmother Twylah in her teachings.

Two are fabric, indicating they can be formed into something new, once the dreamer or the populace assesses what is needed. The symbols on them are ancient. The circle with the radiating spokes can be the sun, the Medicine Wheel of Truth, a symbol of the One and the many. The drum represents the heartbeat of the Mother Earth, our own heartbeat while living, the pulsation of all living being’s life force energy.  Sheepskin is about safety, warmth and sheep as a positive explanation are about community and peace.

Can the community—the dreamer’s inner pantheon of voices/guides, as well as life outside the dreamer, we the people—make this ‘flat building’ and the surrounding rubble have more depth of purpose for renewal? Choice.

The panel that was starkly white looked out of place with the two cream-colored ones. I gave the drum to a woman as a gift. I was uncertain whether she would cherish it/value it/perceive its resonance.

I love the way the dreamer ended her dream. There is a choice, always. Do we construct boundaries, not walls with each other. Boundaries are moveable, walls generally are not. Do we homogenize our inherent truths and human rights (cream) to belong for safety? Do we gift others with the precious gift of our open hearts? Will that be respected and cherished in the receivership exchange? Will all of us be able to perceive a new resonance as an opportunity for all? Those are still unanswered questions for the dreamer and for humanity.

As Gram used to caution, “Don’t hope; hOpe has a big hole in it. Have faith and trust in the Mystery. No one can give you faith and trust, you either have it, or you don’t.”

Thank you to this dreamer for sharing this very powerful dream.

Is it worth speaking up?

We are in a quickening timeline where what we are thinking or speaking (positive, negative, or indifferent) has the potential to influence or manifest in our lives. We are the creators of our own destiny; that is not a new age notion, it is a reality. Watching how we speak about our self and others, what we act on or not, is paramount during these times. Our actions, conscious or unconscious, creates the energy that will bring opportunities or challenges to our reality. Taking charge of how we wish to invest in our life, experience our life, and/or design our life therefore is both a gift and a responsibility.

Our dreams become narratives that can enlighten our waking state to what needs change, where we need to pay attention to find more joy, or correct something out of balance to live more fully. Awareness brings choices, choices bring change, and commitment to that change can bring freedom. Thus where we put our attention/intentions, is exactly what we will bring to life and create in our 3D world. This is where individual responsibility to the Self resides. This dream, I feel, challenges the dreamer to a choice to be made.

The Dream:

I was outside in the parking area of a nice hotel.  There was a red Lamborghini parked nearby and there were 3 kids climbing all over it.  The parents had allowed them to do it because it made them happy, but it wasn’t their car.

The owner of the car came out after the family had left.  He was very irate that there were finger and footprints all over the car.  He complained to the manager but since they didn’t have a valet or parking attendant there was no expectation of them watching over the car.  The owner wrote a note and asked the manager to give it to the family when they returned.

The family returned after the car was gone and received the note.  The mom was near me and mentioned she didn’t know who this was asking them to call or why.  I explained that it was the car’s owner and he had been upset, also that if I were her, I wouldn’t call as he was going to be rather cranky. 

I saw the mom later and she said that she had not called and appreciated me telling her what it was about.

The Decoding:

I was outside in the parking area of a nice hotel. 

Usually, to dream of a hotel means that something is changing in your life, or you are wanting something in life to change. Hotels are places where people are always arriving or departing; you can feel pampered at some or disappointed at others given that energy. This can suggest that you are looking for something to renovate or re-invent for yourself, particularly at work.

You are in the parking lot however, which suggests you need to pause and assess how, if, or where you wish to do this. You are in transition, possibly relying on others to help you to make this decision. The fact that it is a nice hotel, portends it will be a good change in your life that could bring you more satisfaction. This therefore can be a career change dream and/or centers around you making a choice about something at work.

There was a red Lamborghini parked nearby and there were 3 kids climbing all over it.  The parents had allowed them to do it because it made them happy, but it wasn’t their car.

Cars represent you, the individual who either has control over their life, or in some situation you are experiencing feels you do not have control. Red on the Wisdom Wheels (which I have spoken frequently about in dream blogs), suggests you need to not only have faith in the process, but to communicate what it is you want/need with the wisdom to know you deserve that expression. Lamborghini’s may represent that it feels a bit out of your reach; or perhaps that a raise you are looking for, or acknowledgement at work around an area you are questioning, seems unattainable.

Three kids are climbing all over the car, without any parental intervention. This suggests to me that there may be those where you work now that haven’t worked as hard as you, or been there as long as you, who may be getting more recognition or accolades (or even money) than you are. And your bosses are either turning a blind eye to this fact, or perhaps are happily letting things take their course without being more responsive or supportive in their role.

You are the observer of all this, and there is a need is to organize what you need to say or perhaps bring it to the right people. To wisely state your opinion, knowing the innate gifts you have support your request or reporting. You need to be decisive to show them what a valuable asset you are.

The owner of the car came out after the family had left.  He was very irate that there were finger and footprints all over the car.  He complained to the manager but since they didn’t have a valet or parking attendant there was no expectation of them watching over the car.  The owner wrote a note and asked the manager to give it to the family when they returned.

Again, keep in mind everything in the dream is what it is, but also an aspect of yourself. You are the owner of your own life’s experience/s. Are you irate that you are not being recognized for what you bring to the table? Are you being proactive? Are you allowing others to undermine you without addressing what is upsetting you? The fingerprints and footprints tell me there is some sort of a “paper trail” or recognition that others aren’t being accountable for. It is there for all to see.

You may/may not have gone to a “higher-up”, (the manger) who perhaps has only made excuses (they have no valet, so they can’t assess your complaint). Or you as manager have not taken this to the right person, division, or high ups to make a change. Or potentially even worse, you have, but they are not supporting your observations. I am going out on a limb here and suggesting that maybe writing a note is about you putting something in your human resource file as a protective/proactive measure stating your observations, to no avail.

The family returned after the car was gone and received the note.  The mom was near me and mentioned she didn’t know who this was asking them to call or why.  I explained that it was the car’s owner and he had been upset, also that if I were her, I wouldn’t call as he was going to be rather cranky. 

The ‘family’ returns could be the group reconvening in a meeting or the topic coming up again. The car is gone, which could mean it is without your presence. They receive the note-potentially your observations, report, request—but, they still do not understand the situation, or have chosen not to, so nothing is done.

The mom represents the nurturer in you. This is a twist in the dream. Maybe there is a part of you that simply knows if you bring anything up it will go nowhere given those you are working with. Here your dreaming self might be cautioning you not to say anything for fear of reprisals. You know if you bring it to the powers that be or write anything for your file, that people (your boss?) will be upset. This circles us back to the beginning of the dream.  Knowing this could be what is making you question staying or moving into something new—be that another division, another organization, or another career all together (the nice hotel).

I saw the mom later and she said that she had not called and appreciated me telling her what it was about.

This suggests there is an aspect of yourself trying to guide you through whatever situation this is bringing up for you. It is the part of your dream where you are in the parking lot assessing that nice hotel. Keep in mind this is after all your dream and you may see these symbols as expressing something else in your life entirely. Because dreams come from a place of no space/time, it might also be a prewarning of something that will be coming up shortly where you work.

Thank you dreamer for sharing.

Fruits Toward Self-Discovery

“You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes, because that’s where the fruit is.” -Will Rogers

For someone who loves dream interpretation this dream is ripe with symbols (no pun intended, well maybe a little). Dreams about fruit suggest something of both one’s personality and possible relationships that you have formed (with self or with other).

Fruit at its ripest represents vitality, youth, abundance, sensuality, and fertility. When the fruit is in decay, it is a symbol that something is either dying to us (as an idea, belief, or relationship), or perhaps needs to be reformulated, replanted, or nurtured for a more fulfilling cycle towards personal growth. In dreams they can symbolize stages of health, wealth, and well-being depending on the fruit and state they are in.

With the fruits shown to this dreamer, I sense they represent directives for her to consider or explore within herself. These fruits have many different connotations, so it will be up to the dreamer to choose what makes the most sense in her personal quest. She is obviously well versed in symbolism given her own assessment at the end of the dream. But a broader interpretation of these fruits, may assist with her ability to dig deeper.

Fruit also takes on significance in art and in the myths and allegories we have heard or studied. Different fruits are aligned with different gods and goddesses; different cultures and cultural beliefs or rituals; used as emblems that hold arcane meaning. Similar to the deeper meaning of specific flowers gifted among individuals, lovers, or friends in Victorian times, fruit has significant and purposeful meaning throughout Egyptian, Roman, Greek, and Chinese cultures, even the Bible, to name just a few.


I was in an outdoor setting with a couple of other nameless, faceless folks, eating fruit off the surrounding trees. This is noteworthy only because I almost never eat fruit (I know I know), so I’m not entirely sure how it crept into my dreamscape to begin with as it’s not a staple of my diet. At any rate, here I was picking and eating grapes off of a tree. I know grapes don’t technically grow on trees, but these ones apparently did. There were purple grapes and green grapes, and both varieties were ripe and delicious. 

The next fruit I picked was an apple, but it was kind of mealy and after one bite, I intuitively jammed it into the dirt at the base of its tree. I knew I was trying to plant the seeds still in the apple and fertilize the soil at the same time. 

The last tree I came to was a pomegranate tree, and I could tell just from a cursory glance that the pomegranates weren’t ripe yet, so I didn’t even bother. 

I woke up feeling a deep calm (then I went back to sleep and the next anxiety dream cropped up). The pomegranate obviously has some esoteric significance, and I suppose the grapes could relate to Pan (an energy I work with almost exclusively, but as the “all” or “trickster”, not in the sense of bacchanalian debauchery). Apple I’m not too sure about. (The apple was some regular red apple, a small variety, nothing like Eris’ apple of discord). This was very clearly a love dream, but I’m not a dream interpreter. I found it worth a share, being laid out in stages with specific symbolism to ponder over. 


I was in an outdoor setting with a couple of other nameless, faceless folks, eating fruit off the surrounding trees. This is noteworthy only because I almost never eat fruit (I know I know), so I’m not entirely sure how it crept into my dreamscape to begin with as it’s not a staple of my diet.

Here the dreamer makes a couple of statements that need to be kept in the forefront as you continue through the dream. She is outdoors, which represents a larger palette, she is not confined; she is open. The people are nameless and faceless, not because they are meant to be ignored, but because this dream sequence is a teaching specifically for her waking self. Therefore, she does not get distracted by them in the dream. Another way to look at this though, is that if everything in the dream represents a part of oneself, then some of these “parts” of herself as perceptions or awareness have yet to be identified within herself.

Trees, in and of themselves, are about community, suggesting this dreamer may feel isolated from community. They are rooted into Mother Earth and their branches reach for the Heavens, suggesting that this dreamer looks to bridge her 3D self while reaching for higher levels of consciousness. For any of us, this can often feel isolating or at the very least a singular quest even when in a broader community practicing the same.

She states “it is noteworthy” that she doesn’t eat fruit and doesn’t realize why fruits became a symbolic reference in her dreamstate. On an unconscious level I might suggest it was her inner self’s way of directing her to find the means to open to a more abundant, vital life, and one to be shared with others. That longing then becomes a self-teaching with the overall meaning of the fruits that show up in her dream as paths.

At any rate, here I was picking and eating grapes off of a tree. I know grapes don’t technically grow on trees, but these ones apparently did. There were purple grapes and green grapes, and both varieties were ripe and delicious. 

Grapes have a history that goes back at least 6500 years. Grapes grow in clusters, community if you will. In the dream, they don’t grow on trees, but these did, signifying her way to community might be found in an alternative means from other things she has tried. In other words, the trees are there, community is there, now how to find it is her quest.

Throughout history grapes also have signified, abundance, sweetness, fecundity, fertility, wealth, and in some culture’s holiness. Grapes are closely linked to wine-pleasure on the one hand, debauchery on the other. She stated at the end that she works with the energy of Pan as ‘all’ and ‘trickster’, but not as Bacchus. Trickster energy shows us where we are separated from the oneness of our self, similar to our shadow side which merely is the part of our self where we have not brought our light.

Although grapes and wine are often associated with male deities—the Greek Dionysus, the Roman Bacchus, the Celtic Green Man and the Aztec Tezcatzontecatl, there are female goddesses to be considered. Hathor in ancient Egyptian paintings and hieroglyphs and the most ancient, a Sumerian goddess named Nin-Kasi, were both associated with vineyards, grapes, and wine as symbols of joy, fertility, magic, and pleasure.

The color of the grapes in this dreamscape is a further teaching for the dreamer. The grapes were purple and green. On the Wisdom Wheels taught by Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, that I often reference, these colors have specific meaning in finding our path towards personal truth. Green stands for using right will to deconstruct what are mainly childhood beliefs that limit the life we wish to embrace moving forward.

The color is merely a frequency that encourages us to uncover the new beliefs we have garnered or discovered as we move towards adulthood. Question: What falsities linger for the dreamer, possibly at an unconscious level, about abundance, heartfelt joy, and community based on what she may have experienced in younger years?

The other grapes are purple. On the Wheel, these represent wisdom, gratitude, awareness, elder vision, and dreams. In a dream they represent that pleasant and unexpected happiness will occur shortly in your life. Is the dreamer ready to accept these unexpected opportunities for community, self-awareness, and/or new relationships in a way that can leave the “story” of the past so as to have gratitude for the new “story” she is creating? It is not that any of our past stories haven’t affected us, but we do not need to carry them forward with us.

The next fruit I picked was an apple, but it was kind of mealy and after one bite, I intuitively jammed it into the dirt at the base of its tree. I knew I was trying to plant the seeds still in the apple and fertilize the soil at the same time. 

This is the next stage her inner Self wants her to consider in her process. The apple is considered one of the most sacred trees for happiness, love, fertility, and good health. The apple has a rich symbolism through out history. In China it represents peace. In various other mythologies, apples are used as a symbol of love, beauty, and wisdom.

Eve was punished for taking a bite of the apple—recognizing sexuality, knowledge, and immortality. But, when Christ held the apple, it was representative of the second ‘Adam’ who brings life. In 3D physical bodies, life is born of sexuality and wisdom brings immortality to the soul. The apple represents not duality but oneness, although counterintuitively the path to that awareness might feel dualistic.

The apple was associated with Aphrodite as the ‘tree of love’. In Greek mythology it is said that three goddesses claimed the apple as their symbol and took the argument to Zeus. They were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, but are these not three aspects of a women-wisdom, protector, lover. To me, they represent three stages of one’s life, and apply to this dreamer’s need to find these aspects (if she hasn’t already) within herself, not as separate identities but evolving her oneness.

In Medieval art, apples were representative of breasts and in the pagan harvest ritual of Mabon (Autumn equinox) apples when observed cut in half represented the female gentilic anatomy, for seeds to birth, fertile or harvest celebration, and tilling the land for replanting. And yes, Eris the goddess of discord who wasn’t invited to the wedding and Pomona who watched over orchards are associated with the apple as well. Is there discord within this dreamer as one who is watchful and knowledgeable but has yet to feel ‘invited in?’ Like the nameless, faceless aspects at the beginning of the dream.

Where the first fruit in this dream was the intended goal the dreaming self, wished to expose for the waking self’s consideration, to me, this part of the dream is the dreaming self pointing out where the dreamer might have inner conflict or unresolved belief systems to examine in her desire for partnership, community, or even a more aligned sense of Self. Why? Because the apple is mealy, not sweet, not edible or to her liking; this has been her experience.

She jams it into the dirt at the base of the tree. The seeds need to grow with a renewed understanding of what can bring more joy to the dreamer, and a fertile sense of what is needed to produce a juicy direction in her life. In this case, dirt represents either blockages or progressing toward a more solid foundation to grow in happiness, love (be that with self or another), and to reap inner peace.

The last tree I came to was a pomegranate tree, and I could tell just from a cursory glance that the pomegranates weren’t ripe yet, so I didn’t even bother. 

This fruit is the dreaming-self’s way of directing the dreamer toward what needs addressing for her to accomplish her quest.

Pomegranates signal a time of initiation. The deep red color is associated with fertility, blood, the mysteries of the womb, and on the Wisdom Wheel with having faith. These aspects need ripening, but it is clearly a time to pause in her process for self-examination. Part of any initiation is pausing to embody what we are shown.

The fruit also represents connecting with our intuition as we search deep within our beliefs and desires for life, love, death, and rebirth; a path that allows for expansion and personal awareness in areas we have yet to fully explore. The pomegranate was contained in the myth of Persephone and Demeter—the obligation to continually go into our own underworld to learn where we potentially fail ourselves, only to find renewal and emerge back to the surface with newfound awareness.

This is a test for each of us. It was depicted on Solomon’s Temple as two pillars, each engraved with two-hundred pomegranates, symbolizing our duality and our oneness. Not as either or, but as both. The number two likewise represents the High Priestess in the major arcana of the Crowley tarot—the inner consciousness one needs to garner in its quest to balance eros, intuition, and creativity with logos, focus and right will.

The number two in the Kabbalah is about self-reflection, Chokmah. It is the divine wisdom that represents duality: the within and without; the above and below; the conscious and the unconscious. It is divine wisdom that illuminates the path we must take on earth to accomplish the tasks our individual souls came here to experience.

The dreamer says she woke in a deep calm. I believe she is aware of her end goal, is being directed to see where beliefs that no longer serve that goal may be influencing her actions/reactions to dispose or reformat the story she wishes to live, and possibly to undertake some deeper inner work, to expand fulfillment toward that end goal.

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing your dream.

Ask to Receive

There is no doubt we are in stressful times on so many levels Add to this conflicting timelines that seem to be propelling us in so many directions for new thoughts, release, accountability and changes in our lives that are not always timely or sought out.

On top of that the astrology, the photon belt, and the solar flares are all impacting our dream states. I have heard from more and more people that their dreams are becoming more vivid and full of symbolism, even when they are short. I feel this is also a time when those that have crossed are making themselves more available, and coming into our awareness, especially through dreams, to help us through these times. This dream seems to be one of those.

The Dream:

In the dream, I was in some sort of distress, hiding in some brush at night.  It was cold, 35 degree-ish cold.  I was near a small rounded bridge with a light.  The light illuminated a misty fog.   I felt a presence walking over the bridge which then became a ball of yellow and white glistening energy moving in a circular motion.  It brought me a great level of peace and comfort.  I could not discern if it was the energy of a person that passed.  Seemed it may have been my father or brother, however, not a definitive feeling.  The dream then ended.  It has remained vivid to me which is unusual as I normally do not remember dreams. 

The decoding:

In the dream, I was in some sort of distress, hiding in some brush at night.  

We have many stressors in life, and it is not unusual for them to penetrate our sleeping/dream state. Sometimes prior to a big event, or a loss, changing career roles, relationship issues—anything that might activates an emotional, mental, or physical discomfort from outside our self, can trigger a stressful sleep.

It’s dark out, meaning that this information is coming from the dreamer’s unconscious or subconscious state for review. Hiding behind a bush could symbolize the fear of letting go of something, but it can also be playful. Think of hide and seek as a child. In this case it might suggest the dreamer does not feel as carefree as they may have been as a child. It might also imply they are looking to experience a new goal in life that is not quite clear to them how to access as yet.

It was cold, 35 degree-ish cold.  I was near a small, rounded bridge with a light.  The light illuminated a misty fog.  

To feel a cold pass through you in the dreamstate can have a multitude of connotations. It could be sensing another entity or disincarnate spirit, which often leaves one with an odd, sometimes frightening feeling. Sometimes it means there is a disappointment coming, or there is a feeling of loneliness. It can also point to a deal that is not the best for one to invest in. Still at other times, it may indicate that you have to warm up to a new idea or person.

Bridges symbolize important transitions in one’s life. Just as likely it can mean there is an important decision to make and because the light is illuminating a misty fog, it can imply that the dreamer does not have all the information yet. Fog can also mean deception, uncertainty, or that things in one’s life are not what they seem. There is light shining though, so there is guidance or illumination of the issue to be had. But it comes from inner guidance by understanding outer things that will be illuminated for you.

As a side note, 3+5 equals 8. The number 8 in the tarot indicates a time to have patience, be cautious, not jump to conclusions, or make hasty decisions. Turned on its side it is the infinity symbol; life everlasting. I would look to other decisions you have made when you did not feel at ease or perhaps were too hasty with a conclusion. How did that work out for you?

As a major arcana card, it is the Adjustment card, a card of personal karma, justice, finding balance and viewing something objectively. On the Wisdom Wheels it is the place of trusting your intuition and discerning if you are in service or servitude to something—be that a person, a belief, a past story you repeatedly tell yourself, or anything that holds you back from what the situational ‘teaching’ was/is meant to show you greater understanding and direction.  

I felt a presence walking over the bridge which then became a ball of yellow and white glistening energy moving in a circular motion.  

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that this could definitely be the spirit of someone, possibly a loved one, that is trying to get your attention around something. Or a higher being of light that wishes to help guide or inform you. The presence is walking over the bridge, bidding you to do the same;; have the courage to make the transition. The energy is palpable and moving in a circular manner indicating as well as being a ‘ball of light’, representing a direction moving you toward wholeness.

It is both yellow and white. Yellow on the Wisdom Wheels is overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of loving ourselves, and possibly the injustices inflicted on you personally around issues of love. White is about boundaries, and magnetizing to one’s self the people, places, and things that help us to blossom, while releasing from life the people places, and beliefs that do not allow for personal growth and joy.

The energy is not static, it is moving. Energy is always moving, but in this case, you can see and feel it. It is moving forward, crossing whatever that bridge might symbolize to you that holds you back from what you desire.

It brought me a great level of peace and comfort.  I could not discern if it was the energy of a person that passed.  Seemed it may have been my father or brother, however, not a definitive feeling.  

If the essence of the energy is the spirit of your father or brother, it could very well be one of them showing you they are present to help guide you with whatever this stressful situation is that you are feeling or that may arrive. They may be their to help you consider old beliefs or agreements that you are meant to now leave behind.  Counter intuitively a new opportunity might be presenting itself shortly and their objective is to bring you peace and comfort around the decision you make.

The Laws of the Universe are such that those who have crossed over cannot necessarily assist us unless we give them permission. We are in a free will 3D state. The veils are the thinnest at sunrise and sunset, and then at Hallowmas and All Soul’s Day (October 31st/November 1st), but you do not need to wait until the fall. Pick one of those times during your day to ask your loved ones to help with whatever is occurring in your life that doesn’t feel complete or that needs reconstruction for greater alignment or happiness. Then watch for the signs. They can come in many ways.

Interestingly certain colors are also associated with different angels that are always their in the ethers/dimensions to assist. Yellow represents Archangel Jophiel, the angel that helps us come to a place where we can actualize happy joyous thoughts. White is Archangel Gabriel who reveals to us (think revelations) something new and is considered “the strength of God.” You seem to have lots of assistance at this time, so be clear about what it is you wish to experience or release and then ask for help. Asking is actually a sign of trust, inner strength, and being able to receive.

The dream then ended.  It has remained vivid to me which is unusual as I normally do not remember dreams. 

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing.


As we end the year 2021 and look forward to a better 2022, I am struck by how quickly what we put our attention to (good, bad or indifferent), we are capable of manifesting. What we manifest follows our awareness (or lack there of) and our intentionality.

The timelines have sped up yet again, through the astrological, political, medical, and environmental positioning we accept as our reality or deny as a reality we do not wish to participate in. This is a double edged sword, because we all have emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, ancestral, cultural or karmic baggage that impacts the lens through which we see and believe. The self work we do to eliminate those illusionary sound bites, or to at least consider an alternative perspective on what no longer serves our self, humanity, or our planet, will determine how we interpret and/or how we challenge ourselves to rise above others interpretations. How we allow others to define our reality can either limit us, keep us locked into where we are, offer us an alternative understanding, a new decision, or liberate us.

In a rare dream blog, I am not going to decode the following dream. Does it speak of illusion or creation? It suggests to me that there is always a new day, a new dream, another opportunity to grow outside the boxes we often place ourselves in. We are our own master teachers. Our potential to be aware, manifest, heal, envision and create magic, is our birthright.

I leave this dream for you to ‘feel into’ and envision the year you wish to manifest, with all the capability you have to be astonished, to be aware, and to actualize the magic within you.

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The dream:

I am in a small group of people. I am sitting on the righthand side of a master Tibetan teacher. The group is meditating with their eyes closed. I am aware of being required to watch him do his magic/healing/manifestations. He was working with a cauldron, and I knew intuitively that the last image or symbol he was to manifest and place in the cauldron would be the final healing symbol that a person of great importance would need.

I was surprised that saw the symbol briefly has he conjured it and placed it in the cauldron. In that brief moment of recognition, it disappeared into the base of the cauldron. I was shocked, and he was bemused at my reaction. I kept watching his hand movements knowing that the others still meditating (or now sleeping), were unaware. At the final moment the symbol shape shifted back for me to fully see. I knew he was showing me this because I had the potential within me to do this too. I was astounded. He smiled and I knew this was a huge lesson he was offering me, to be remembered.

Why Would I Bully Myself?

There are many ways to interpret a dream, but a universal understanding of the dream state is that they provide spontaneous, impartial aspects of one’s psyche, not controlled by the will. When one learns how to lucid dream, they have more of an opportunity to ‘direct’ the dream but emerging into lucidity from that dream sequence is still a spontaneous message directed by the subconscious.

According to Freud, dreams are an expression of thoughts or feelings that your mind has pushed aside. Jung saw it differently. He felt that although dreams showed you parts of the self that you may have neglected or dismissed, that they were a bridge of communication between the unconscious self and the conscious self. Hence when assessed an opportunity to become self-aware. If they are difficult to understand sometimes it is because they speak through the language of symbols.

For the indigenous or shamanic practitioner, dream importance is similar in most cultures across centuries. Dreams were seen as more real than the waking state, for although they were symbolic or significant representations of information as a doorway to the psyche, they also came from a place of no time, no space helping one to balance one’s spirit in physicality. In other words, everything has spirit and awareness; everything is energy in movement; and understanding that energy enables one to animate and organize their waking world with more awareness. Thus dreams assist in uncovering awareness.

Australian Aborigine’s believe we all came from the dreamtime, which they see as the collective unconsciousness of all sentient beings in the Universe. It is the environment in which they live, not outside themselves, but inside creation. In the East Indian Buddhist and Hindu traditions, cultivating dream awareness is an important practice enhanced by specific yogic and dream practices to enhance the realization of the illusionary nature of the self.

Each of these explanations on the importance of the dream, suggest the same thing— to uncover what one needs to inform awareness as a further expression of the Self.  

The Dream:

I was working at a restaurant that looked like it might have dancers some nights. The bar had long runways at different parts. The new manager was an intimidating, broad shouldered, Easter European guy, and his lackey. The lackey would throw tiny sewing pins at people’s eyes that disagreed with the manager. The manager followed women into rooms and forces himself on them. When he followed me upstairs, I locked every door behind me. I went from one room to the next locking the black doors My other boss and I were finally able to get them to leave, but we had to close our eyes/cover them to avoid the constant pin throwing from both of them before the finally walked out the door. -end of dream

The decoding:

I was working at a restaurant that looked like it might have dancers some nights, the bars had long runways at different parts.

A restaurant is a place we go to be fed, nurtured, cared for, or as a gathering place for family or friends. Dancing is an expression of joy and emotion. In its best manifestation it unleashes a sense of free spiritedness. It can also be seen by some as a seductive, even abusive exploitation of the human spirit; a more negative side of dance clubs and strip clubs.

Bars have a lot of connotations in dreams depending on what the symbology suggests. On the one hand they can imply a place where one gives themselves permission to enjoy themselves. But they also carry an illusionary aspect if facilities get blurred. This could mean the dreamer is trying to escape some day-to-day obligation or formality that has become tedious. Either in the workplace or at home.

Runways make me think of fashion catwalks, again somewhat illusionary, sometimes escapist, sometimes showing a change from the ordinary or common place to something more elegant or frivolous.

The new manager was an intimidating, broad shouldered, Eastern European guy, and his lackey. The lackey would throw tiny sewing pins at people’s eyes that disagreed with the manger.

There is a new manager, but he intimidates the dreamer. Personalities in the dream remind us of something in our outer life, but also represent an aspect of the Self. This indicates that the dreamer has a lot of suppressed stress in her life. She needs a new sense of strength and control, but to take that power into her own hands feels intimidating. That he is Eastern European suggests that that kind of power feels foreign to her.

Dreaming of a manger, means there is a part of you that needs or wants to take control of a certain situation, but the ‘lackey’ it is not under the dreamer’s current control or comfort level. She feels separated from having influence. The “lackey’ also represents the dreamer, potentially the part of her that critiques or assesses everything she does-thus it represents her inner bully. And the part of her that could manage things differently, has given her power to this bully, instead of managing the situation as needed.

He throws pins in people’s eyes that do not agree with the manager. Eyes represent the doorway to the soul. They are also what we use to look at life squarely and assess if something is for our benefit or not. The pins indicate her inner Self wants her to become aware of where she is not addressing her inner needs for more happiness or balance in her outer life. The pins, like a nightmare, alert her to the fact that she is not ‘managing her life’ in a way more conducive to what she needs and thus needs to awaken something within herself to move forward.

The manager followed women into rooms and forced himself on them. When he followed me upstairs, I locked every door behind me. I went from one room to the next locking the black doors.

I would ask the dreamer in this sequence if she felt that men in her life often tried to force her into things, be they work oriented or in relationships. Is this aspect of herself as the ‘manager’ trying to control her, or show her where she is not in control? He is trying to have power over her, or ask her to become empowered?

She is going upstairs, signifying a higher state of awareness or consciousness. But she is locking all the doors behind her, she is not allowing her empowered self to take over or her intuitive self to inform her. The doors are black. On the Wisdom Wheels, black stands for listening to oneself; finding one’s inner truth and following that; or stepping into the void trusting that all will turn out alright.

My other boss and I were finally able to get them to leave, but we had to close our eyes/cover them to avoid the constant pin throwing from both of them before they finally walked out the door. -end of dream.

Who is this “other boss”? Is it someone in her corporate world that is more aligned with her needs at work? Is it a new aspect of her more defined sense of self that can guide her in a less intimidating way? He is protecting her in that they’re working together. They get the manager and lackey to leave. Is this her Divine Masculine trying to impart to her that she doesn’t need to do it all herself? Or that she is strong enough to take control over whatever is causing her stress?

But to get them to leave, they had to close their eyes and cover “their collective” vision. If the pins represent pricking us to look at something we are not dealing with, and the manager and lackey are the parts of our self that intimidate and bully our desire to leave a stressful situation behind….then the suggestion is “that the dreamer walk out the door of what confines and defines her” to find more joyous expression in her life. And balance the inner masculine with what she wants to experience externally either in her corporate life or relationship ventures.

To create it outside herself, she needs to create it inside herself first. The dream can bring awareness to where she isn’t allowing this, or generating this.

Thank you, dreamer for sharing.


Let’s talk about fear for a minute. There seems to be a lot of it around every corner these days. Fear of covid, fear of the vaccine, fear of not being healthy, fear of the environment, fear that we are not worthy, fear that we are not loved, fear that our elected officials do not have our best interest in mind, fear of aging, fear of speaking our truth, fear of not attaining what we want, desire, or need. I could go on and on.

The problem with fear is that it pulls us off balance. Thoughts are things, and as such if we are in fear, we are not centered because we are reacting, not necessarily acting in our own best interest.

That said, ofttimes in dream scenarios, fear is generated to get our attention around something we are either not paying attention to or as a warning to help us bring something to light.

This dreamer named her dream FEAR, and on Hallowmas, today, ghosts and goblins abound. The tradition of Halloween started in the Celtic festival of Samhain (SAH-win). They would light bonfires and wear masks to scare off the ghosts as the veils between the dimensions are the thinnest at these times. I would like to think that “fear” dreams are simply “masking” something we need to face.

The dream:

In my dream I suddenly felt that I was in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation. I started planning to “get away”, I was not completely aware of what this situation was or where I was going to go. My youngest son was with me and I instructed him to gather all our stuff from outside & put it in my car, then I rushed him to gather all our stuff in the living area & put that in my car. My car is not that big, but apparently it was all going to fit. It was beginning to feel that we were running out of time to get all our stuff before “someone” was going to discover we were planning an escape and likely try to stop us. The last thing I instructed my son to get was his bedroom stuff. As he ran off to his room, suddenly it was the house he lived in during college, he disappeared up the steps. There were two doors & I wasn’t sure which door my son went up, I chose one door opening it and calling up to my son to hurry. He answered me and I was still at the bottom of the steps waiting for him. I then realized there were two very large ominous looking men standing in an imposing way behind me. They stood shoulder to shoulder, both had black facial hair, both wore black sweatshirts with the hoods up. One of them sends a quick whistle sound – to alert someone? I act like I think maybe they just wanted to go up the stairs. As I begin to feel uncomfortable with their presence I say “Oh, do you want to go up?” To which one of the men answers in a demonic, altered voice “Don’t you look handsome?” What he said didn’t make sense because I’m female, but it was his voice that paralyzed me with fear! I was trembling but reminded myself that when you are feeling an uncomfortable emotion it is best to sit with that feeling than to push it away. I tried to do that and it was making me feel less fearful, but then I woke up still trembling. Calming myself only by realizing it was not reality.

The Decoding:

In my dream I suddenly felt that I was in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation. I started planning to “get away”, I was not completely aware of what this situation was or where I was going to go. My youngest son was with me, and I instructed him to gather all our stuff from outside & put it in my car, then I rushed him to gather all our stuff in the living area & put that in my car.

Right away the dreamer is aware that something is not right. Her plans are to get away from whatever this perceived discomfort is. Possibly there is something in her world that needs to change, but she has yet to figure out in her waking state what direction that will take.

She has her youngest son with her. I would like to have known his name because that would have given me some additional information. Usually as mothers, we try and protect our young, but although this could have something to do with her son, more likely it is what her son represents within herself.

She is looking to gather all her ‘stuff’. Stuff possibly that she has carried with her a long time that is just taking up physical or emotional space and that is time to release. I say that because she is putting it in her car, and the car represents the physical body or place of living. It is also a vehicle that is supposed to move us forward, if it is weighted down, it cannot. All the stuff is in the ‘living area’ indicating she has been living with this ‘stuff’ for a long time.

My car is not that big, but apparently it was all going to fit. It was beginning to feel that we were running out of time to get all our stuff before “someone” was going to discover we were planning an escape and likely try to stop us.

Her capacity to hold the emotional changes in her life feels like it is too big, and yet she holds it anyway, finding a way for it all to ‘fit.’ Is she afraid of herself coming to a conclusion about what needs to change? Is she afraid someone will be hurt her should she make these changes? Is she afraid to make these changes for fear of being chastised or misunderstood by others? Who is this ‘someone or voice’ within herself, that her unconscious self (dreamer) wants her to become aware of?

The last thing I instructed my son to get was his bedroom stuff. As he ran off to his room, suddenly it was the house he lived in during college, he disappeared up the steps. There were two doors & I wasn’t sure which door my son went up. I chose one door opening it and calling up to my son to hurry. He answered me and I was still at the bottom of the steps waiting for him.

Again, she sends her son, which represents something within herself as he is merely an aspect of herself through what he represents in the dream, to go collect stuff in the bedroom. Bedrooms in dreams represent places where we recharge. Our ability to dream for the future; and it was the house her some lived in at college. College represents wanting or needing to learn something about her past to safely move forward in her future.

He goes up the stairs, representing going to a higher level of understanding or consciousness. There are two doors. Doors represent passageways, new opportunities, or changes. If they are open it means you are willing to pass through them. If they are closed it can mean either you haven’t taken advantage of something yet, or you feel the opportunity has passed you by.

Two on the Wisdom Wheels represents how to assess our life to live more of our truth. It also signifies how we choose to honor ourselves, or not. In the tarot, it represents the High Priestess, a major arcana card which is about the inner work needed before we bring it out in a balanced way to work with in our outer world. In numerology it is about partnership, harmony, and duality. Does this mean within herself, or with partnership, that she might wish to revisit? Is she conflicted when she considers this?

I then realized there were two very large ominous looking men standing in an imposing way behind me. They stood shoulder to shoulder, both had black facial hair, both wore black sweatshirts with the hoods up. One of them sends a quick whistle sound – to alert someone? I act like I think maybe they just wanted to go up the stairs.

Here we have the number 2 again. Being taken off-guard by two intimidating men wearing black feels ominous, but infact this is the important part of the dream where your dreaming self wants to fully get your attention. It could refer to feeling you will be taken by surprise around something in your waking world, especially if you let go of your past “stuff” or contemplate another relationship.

Black on the Wisdom Wheels is about ‘listening’ to yourself, your needs, your desires. It is a color of power, mystery, and inner strength. Black facial hair indicates you are potentially hiding something from yourself concerning your own wants and needs. Dressed in black indicates indecision not evil. And hoods indicate the crown chakra is covered, and hence as a dream symbol that you are not listening to your higher self or need to go to the higher levels of awareness to realize this information or new beginning. (Think of your son running up the stairs previously as the same metaphor.)

As I begin to feel uncomfortable with their presence I say “Oh, do you want to go up?” To which one of the men answers in a demonic, altered voice “Don’t you look handsome?” What he said didn’t make sense because I’m female, but it was his voice that paralyzed me with fear!

Where are you uncomfortable in your present state of affairs? It might be confusing because the symbology of this dream symbol (2 intimidating men-which are actually aspects of yourself), is asking you to addresses your inner masculine or your Divine Masculine. With the suggestion that you ‘look handsome’ although you are in a female physical body, redirects you to that aspect of yourself. We are both (Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine), no matter our gender or gender affiliation. The voice is altered to further to get your attention. And you are literally asking yourself: “Do you want to go up?” Do you wish to go deeper into the realms of the higher mind to find your answers?

What is your relationship with your inner masculine? Do you feel protected or that you always need to assume that role in your outer world? Do you only do it for others, or give that gift to yourself as well? These are all things to contemplate for change or a new direction, so you are not in fear or paralyzed to move forward.

I was trembling but reminded myself that when you are feeling an uncomfortable emotion it is best to sit with that feeling than to push it away. I tried to do that, and it was making me feel less fearful, but then I woke up still trembling. Calming myself only by realizing it was not reality.

This is brilliant. You know what you need to do on one level to stay calm and centered. You actualized that in the dreamstate, which means you can actualize that in your waking world, wherever these impending changes take you.

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing. Happy Samhain everyone. If we address our own ghosts and goblins the dark or unknown becomes the light and known.

Living the Dream

I want to begin this dream interpretation with a few comments. First (and again), the person who has the dream is the best one to consider if the dream symbology is important or applies to their waking life, and if the interpretation offered by others applies or helps with a better understanding of their dream. A dream interpretation (as used in these blog decoding’s), only offers another perspective to the symbology or archetypes of the dreamscape based on how I was trained to find pertinent clues within dreams, taught by my First Nation’s dream mentor, Grandmother Twylah Nitsch.

Sometimes when doing dream decoding, I will have no idea what the other person does or doesn’t do for a living, nor even their gender, culture, beliefs or upbringing. All those things contribute to the lens in which the Higher Self and the subconscious impart information symbolically to the dreamer. At those times, I go on pure instinct given my training. At other times I am aware of something about the person. This does not necessarily influence the decoding, although it often does provide me a lens through which the person’s dream self is trying to inform them. So sometimes knowing the situation, helps with the intent of the dream decoding. That said, if it makes no sense to the dreamer, that needs to be respected.

Gram shared that with her People, when someone had a dream, they would bring it to the family in the morning and everyone would speak to that dream symbology, if they had something meaningful or significant to share. In that sense, because the family knew each other well, they could help dissect the content within the dream, that the dreamer might not have considered. If the dream stumped everyone, they would take it to an elder for further discussion.

In this dream, I know both the gender and the career of this woman’s daughter. But, that is all I know about her. To me, the symbols provided some clear information about what she may be dealing with, given the world’s current situation with covid limitations. Whether this is an accurate assessment, or provides helpful information to the dreamer, is up to her.

This is a time of very vivid dreaming for many, especially for those who remember their dreams. We are in both a new timeline, as well as an influx of photons and neutrinos, given our alignment with the Central Sun of Galactic Center and our own sun & planetary alignments, that potentially stimulate our nightly sojourns.

The Dream:

My daughter keeps having really vivid dreams! What d’you reckon about this one… She’s part of a big Irish family and they are burying a dead body of an old man but they do it in a strange way where his head is still visible above ground, then a plastic barrier is made all around the grave with chicken wire on top. Suddenly she is playing basketball and the grave is in the basketball court so she has to be careful not to tread on it but she notices that the plastic surround is all broken already. She carries on playing basketball then turns quickly and thinks she sees the face move!

The Decoding:

She’s part of a big Irish family and they are burying a dead body of an old man, but they do it in a strange way where his head is still visible above ground, then a plastic barrier is made all around the grave with chicken wire on top.

Because I know the daughter of this person is in the theater, the content becomes really important for the decoding. Given the daughter’s dream symbol of being part of a big ‘Irish family’ I felt this could symbolize being a member of a larger group of people (like a theater troupe) who have fun and enjoy each other (the clan mentality), however (like the Irish) there is an underlying sadness, something has died. I clearly saw the theater masks of comedy & tragedy when reading this.

Due to covid, the way the theater used to perform in front of audience’s has ‘died’ or no longer is the same. The old man represents the old way, and his head above ground represents that she is ‘thinking’ of how to carry forward. The head is at the top of the body when standing and when we are moving forward in life; it represents continuing to strive toward one’s goals.

The head is still visible, because ‘the family’ or troupe is trying to figure out ways to keep this endeavor alive or active, the theater is in flux, but not totally dead. Barriers represent a division, and that they are plastic barriers can symbolize that one can see forward, but it is not clear (like Vaseline on a window). Plastic also is not organic, so the dreamer might be feeling that although they have some work moving out of covid, the ‘parameters’ they are being forced to practice within do not feel as authentic as the way she did her work before. Dreaming of a grave suggests there is a longing for something that was, and that one is recovering from a trauma. I think especially with things like music venues, the theater, etc. those artistic folks took the hardest hit.

Dreaming of a wire fence (chicken wire) can be positive or negative depending on the scenario. On the Wisdom Wheels, chickens represent conformity as well as continuity. So, I see that the troupe will need to conform to certain things that feel inorganic (plastic) but that they can move forward with their craft even though they feel barred from somethings (chicken wire) or clearly blocked in ways they wish to share their craft, as they once did. You can see through or past chicken wire, but there are still barriers there.

Suddenly she is playing basketball and the grave is in the basketball court so she has to be careful not to tread on it but she notices that the plastic surround is all broken already. She carries on playing basketball then turns quickly and thinks she sees the face move!

When a dream sequence shifts dramatically like this, it is the Higher Self trying to reinforce the message in an entirely different way. Basketball is a game where two opposing forces (in this case possibly theater vs the new demands due to covid), struggle to find the way to win over a situation and be respected for their efforts. She is careful not to tread on the rules, but things feel broken in how she used to experience her career.

Basketballs themselves suggest someone has a better idea, but she is on a basketball court, so there is more than just one voice involved as to how to proceed. She carries on with this game, though she struggles as to how the respect and happiness will return to her craft. There are new considerations amidst working with others and the demands or ideas that now influence the ‘game.’

When she turns and sees the face move, that is actually a good sign. It shows she doesn’t quite know just yet how the changes she needs to feel part of that “Irish family again” or experience a win as a team player on the court might manifest, but she is willing to carry on. Then her new insights, her joy of the theater, and her ability to logically brainstorm with others on how to move forward, will actually bring renewal to her theater activities. It’s actually a sign that things aren’t dead, but a rebirth of the arts is available. 

Thank you dreamer for sharing your dream.


There will be no intro this blog post. My family is dealing with an issue and I have little time unfortunately to post. I know I am sliding this in at the end of July 🙂 The name of this dream was created by the dreamer. I often ask participants in my dream classes to label their dreams upon rising as an indicator of what feeling they are left with, or what their dreaming self is trying to awaken them to that lies just below the surface.


My Dream (Abundance) 

Standing in the Mom’s old kitchen in front of the sink looking out the window. 

There are clear plastic drawers underneath the sink. 

I pull out the left drawer and there is a beautiful eggplant.  I pick it up and look at it, turn it around and back around again but decide that even though it was beautiful, I’ll put it back in the drawer. 

I pull out the right drawer and there are large lemons bulging with seeds.  They are bulging so much, I can take a knife and scraping the seeds out easily.  The seeds just fall out.  There were so many that by the time I got them out they had already sprouted into seedlings. 

I have plastic baggies in my hands now with long lemon seedlings in them.  They have many leaves and they are very green.  I put a clip on the bag so the new seedlings don’t fall out. 

 I wake up. 


Standing in the Mom’s old kitchen in front of the sink looking out the window. 

Mom represents someone who nurtures us, so this would be the nurturing aspect of the dreamer, the one who wishes to ‘mother’ her in this dream. It is also a representation of her mother and whatever relationship they had/have. Kitchen also is the nurturing part of the home/house, generally a place we are fed both physically and emotionally. The sink is a place where we wash, although the dreamer doesn’t indicate that the water is on, it is a place we clean the residue off of what we have nurtured ourselves with. It symbolizes washing away issues of the past or outworn concepts, unresolved feelings. Thus, it can indicate a need for inner emotional cleansing.

Windows are often labeled ‘doorways to the soul’, as well representing having an outer or external view of something or some situation. The fact that it is an old kitchen, indicates this might be an old issue or memory of the dreamer that is coming forth for healing or perhaps has been long buried and needs to be restructured.

There are clear plastic drawers underneath the sink. 

Plastic is manmade and something that is not natural. Drawers are where we store things. The fact that they are clear and under the sink, suggest that the dreamer’s ‘vision’ is now ready to see the emotional charge of where she has potentially stored feelings which she now needs to see more clearly. It is time to address them, because they are not natural in the sense that they no longer serve a purpose. How is she nurturing herself? How was she nurtured? Is she expected to be the nurturer of others, past the obligations she needs to direct towards herself? 

I pull out the left drawer and there is a beautiful eggplant.  I pick it up and look at it, turn it around and back around again but decide that even though it was beautiful, I’ll put it back in the drawer. 

She opens the left drawer, this is the heart side, the side that gives, the yin energy in all of us. She finds a beautiful eggplant. Eggplants suggests it is time to delve deeper into herself and her inner knowing.  This is not hubris or ego, it is something the higher self is directing her to consider and something that has been put aside for way to long.

Eggplants signify success, their color is the same as that of our third eye chakra. Simply described, the third eye chakra is about breaking through illusions and linking to your inner knowing. Her higher self wants her to have success in trusting this inner process. Yet she puts it back in the draw. Does she trust this strong beautiful part of herself?

I pull out the right drawer and there are large lemons bulging with seeds.  They are bulging so much, I can take a knife and scraping the seeds out easily.  The seeds just fall out.  There were so many that by the time I got them out they had already sprouted into seedlings. 

The right side represents the part of us that takes, but it needs to learn to do that with grace and gratitude.

It is the yang side of ourselves where logic is more apt to drive us.  Depending on the context of the dream or story, lemons can represent longevity or friendship, but they can also represent bitterness and resentment about something. In Feng Shui, lemons neutralize negative energy; that’s why you see bowls of them in the kitchen or the dinning room because that is where people gather. Does the dreamers ‘logic’ tell her to neutralize what she needs for herself, in lieu of others needs, wants or desires.

To dream of a proliferation of lemon seeds (or seeds of any sort), usually indicates you need to look to the future to ‘plant’ something new. It is fascinating that they are already sprouting seedlings, indicating that there are so many ways this dreamer might be able to reconfigure her future should she unpack the past and listen to her inner knowing.

The seedlings represent how abundant her need is to feel love and establish a path of continuation in life that nurtures her in a more enriching way. As the dream title indicates, her dreaming self and higher self and inner knowing are offering her an abundant amount of symbols to assess her needs and to grow anew.

I have plastic baggies in my hands now with long lemon seedlings in them.  They have many leaves, and they are very green.  I put a clip on the bag, so the new seedlings don’t fall out. 

This part is curious to me, hands represent what we are willing to reach for in life. She takes these seedlings that should be planted to find fertile ground, and puts them in plastic bags (like the plastic drawers). What is she not reaching for, that she desires?

Placing them in plastic bags indicates she will still carry these unexpressed feelings around with her, but what will she actively do with them is the question? That is the gift of the dream sequence and the outward direction she must decide on. What will she finally give herself, that she clearly knows she wants or needs and yet derails herself from taking.

The green leaves are verdant, metaphorically they are needing air and sun to continue to grow. Leaves often represent new beginnings and the end of something old…. like Spring foliage after the barrenness of Winter. Green on the Wisdom Wheels indicates childhood issues that need to be addressed. The energy of the past needs to deconstruct old believes, habits or obligations to be able to reconstruct something more beneficial and life enhancing.

In the dream, she chooses to put a clip on it, presumably not wanting them to fall out, but this also limits her ability to allow them to grow and supply her with a more abundant life. The dreamer has work to be done around why she holds herself back from working more with the ‘eggplant energy’ which could free her from situations that hold her to obligations that don’t allow her to nurture herself in more abundant and fulfilling ways.

 I wake up. 

 Thank you, dreamer, for sharing.

The Ilse of Self

I was totally out of dream offers last month, which is why there was no April blog. In the interim, I received dreams from 3 different people over the last two weeks. I will get to each of these in the upcoming months, but please know that these blogs are stimulated by you sharing your dreamscapes. And I thank you for doing so.

Quite a few people over the past year have emailed, sharing that their dreams have intensified; become more powerful or more visual; brought them back to past live scenarios, ancestral information that had not been known; or provided reviews of experiences with people, places or things from years gone by in this current incarnation. On the same note, their dreams have taken them into future scenarios, not necessarily prophetic, but possibilities and Earth awareness.

I believe this has a lot to do with a few of things. First, we have all been isolated to one degree or another during this past year and a half due to the covid shutdown. Keeping us alone has made us turn more inward. Dreams usually filter out the issues and experiences we have had during the day. So, without constant external stimuli as many of us had been experiencing daily, our dreams have the potential to take us to unprocessed issues from the past or bring up people from our past as a stimulus to review.

Second, scientifically, the Schumann Resonance of the earth is spiking the electromagnetic frequency on the planet. According to one source, “Absorbing these frequencies causes the water in the body to begin to vibrate at the frequency of the spike. This can cause many uncomfortable symptoms but, in the end, it is also a testament that something is really happening to our planet and to our consciousness.” As such, these higher frequencies recalibrate the Earth’s magnetic frequencies, which would have an influence on the human auric field. This in turn affects blockages in the auric field that can bring on spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical affects that may help us recalibrate and come into sync with Earth awareness and personal awareness.  One theory posits, “When sleep is initiated brain frequencies first fall into a range where synchronization with the first Schumann resonance could occur.” Hence, we are our more open to this influence in the dreamtime.

Further, we are receiving neutrinos as our sun is passing into direct alignment with the Central Sun of Galactic Center and sending light encoded energies through our sun into our human biofield. This revolution takes approximately 12,000+ years, so this is a big deal as evolutionary light bathes our planet. Again, this would have a profound effect on our dreamtime. Likewise, we are going through the Photon Belt which is a powerful emitter of energy that helps the individual, as well as the collective, have the potential to lose the constraints of time, density, and literally syncs to the source of our unfettered light beingness. Nightly our dreams offer us this release from the time/space constraints of our believed history/herstory, for deeper self-awareness.

I think I will stop there, as that went longer than I anticipated, LOL. I do love these times of dreaming a new reality. Where you put your intentions, and how you cleanse your field of false beliefs about yourself, is where you will experience your conceived reality.


I had a dream that I was on an island with friends. They were trying to find people who would make drawings. I was feeling left out and wondering why I wasn’t asked, as I am an art therapist. Phuli(smart) and Nirmala (big heart) were there. I was asked and told I would be paid $83 dollars. I had to find people/children with mental illness and ask them to make a drawing of happiness. I wasn’t sure how I could do this as I would be taking a week off, but I decided to do it.


I had a dream that I was on an island with friends.

This dreamer is feeling isolated (the island), but desires to do/know more, as some of her friends are present. Covid has made us all feel like islands. Islands are surrounded by the water/ocean. The dreamer does not mention it, but I wonder if the water was turbulent, smooth, crystal clear, etc. This would give some direction as to the emotions, as water signifies the emotional body or where we are emotionally in the day to day.

Being with friends—so although the dreamer is feeling isolated, at this point in the dream sequence, it does not appear to create a sense of being lonely or alone. Islands can reflect that the dreamer needs some peace of mind around an issue or situation. It could also reflect that these friends are aspects of her inner pantheon that she has discovered or are as yet undiscovered.

They were trying to find people who would make drawings. I was feeling left out and wondering why I wasn’t asked, as I am an art therapist.

When people make drawings, they are revealing an aspect of themselves. It is not the dreamer who is instructed to find people, but the friends. This could suggest that inner parts of herself are pushing her to reveal more of who she is, or what she wants in her outer world, but she has yet to define that clearly even to herself. This indicates that the dreamer is possibly hesitant to reveal those deeper parts of herself she wishes to be seen for.

This makes her feel alone and not appreciated, despite the fact that her insecurity is self-induced. She sees herself as having the skill set to decipher these drawings as she is an art therapist, but she is still in the process of revealing herself, to herself. She is aware of these isolated parts within herself, but still cautious or uncertain as to how to project her needs/wants/desires fully into her outer environment to feel more connection, and less isolation. Sometimes wanting to draw, but not initiating the act of drawing, is a sign of unfulfilled hopes, or fear of making them real.

Phuli (smart) and Nirmala (big heart) were there. I was asked and told I would be paid $83 dollars.

As I have suggested in past blogs, the people we see in dreams are who they represent to us, and likewise an aspect of ourselves. The dreamer has taken the initiative it would seem from this sentence, to ask to participate in the activity of discovery.

We are all the directors of our own play, so if we do not ask, we do not receive, and thus create our own isolation. This does not mean we will always get what we want, but others do not know what we desire if we cannot express that. At the same time, we need to accept a yes or a no, without further self-isolation as a reaction to perceived rejection. Everyone is just trying to figure it out through accepting what may be right for them in the moment. It is here that learning detachment is a healthy skill.

Phuli represents that the dreamer wants to be seen for her intelligence, and Nirmala represents that she also wants to be understood for her big heartedness. She was told by these inner parts of herself that she would be paid $83. Numerologically, 8+3=11. Eleven is a high vibration number indicating the dreamer needs to see her value and worth without outside influences. 11 is also the Lust card in the Crowley tarot, representing courage, vitality, love of life, instinct, passion, and the willingness to take risks. These attributes are reminders to the dreamer of what she needs to tap to be more confident with herself.

On the Wisdom Wheels presented through Grandmother Twylah’s work,  11 stands for magnetism and boundaries—in other words what we are willing to draw to ourselves, or release from ourselves determines what we will experience and the boundaries we chose to draw, to share or not, becomes our personal rite of learning self-autonomy. Many consider the number 11 the number of the dreamer, because it is also the vibration of channeled illumination from our subconscious. A reason I continue to express why it is so important to listen to your dreams.

I had to find people/children with mental illness and ask them to make a drawing of happiness. I wasn’t sure how I could do this as I would be taking a week off, but I decided to do it.

This is a curious sentence and reveals something the dreamer may feel unconsciously about herself. People and children represent aspects of the self, now and what has been framed in childhood. Does the dreamer feel out of step with herself? Does she question that she has some form of mental misunderstanding of life; or her issues are all mentally oriented and hard to resolve; or perhaps mentally projects her needs of self-value onto the reaction of others? It is here that the dreamer needs to work at integration for a truer, more authentic sense of personal happiness. The dreamer is still unclear how to ‘draw; or create this happiness but is willing to try.

The dreamer decides to take a week off. A week equals 7 days. Seven days is the biblical number of Creation. 7 on the Wisdom Wheel stands for overcoming the obstacles that stand in the way of loving ourselves. These arise based on past judgements by self and others. It is true, Rome was not built in a day, but the dreamer seems to be ready to direct and draw more self-determination for her own happiness moving forward.

Thank you, dreamer, for sharing.